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Tessa and logan came back an Tessa told everyone the news.
Today's Chapter::

The next morning....
Logan woke up first and got dressed in running cloths and walked downstairs. Faith was already up an making her breakfast..

Logan- good morning beau---Faith
Faith- uncle logan you okay
Logan- yeah I'm good. Going for a run.
Faith- I would run but I never have a running partner.
Logan- well maybe tomorrow we can run. I want to be alone today.
Faith- of course
Logan- great. Ill see you later.

Faith thinking::
That was absolutely so weird. Something else is going on with him.. I'm going to test him. I'm going to ignore him and see if he will talk to me first. Then I'm going to ask him if there is something else going on..

Back to the story

An hour later everyone else woke up. And came downstairs fixing coffee or cereal or orange Juice. There all fixing something. While faith sets at the table while eating her egg whites and toast. Tessa speaks up

Tessa- has anyone seen logan
Faith- he went for a run this morning. He said he needed to think.
Tessa- oh okay thanks.
Faith- yeah know problem..

Faith started eating her food again and logan bust through the door and yells for Tessa.

Logan- Tessa where are you TESSA
Tessa- what logan
Logan- I will love like I loved you big promise. Okay bit don't expect me to forget about you cause I won't I can't.
Tessa- okay then don't.
Logan- okay.

Logan ran back outside and just sat there.

Logan Thinking::
Idk what to do. I need to talk to faith but she isn't talking to me for some reason. I feel like me and her are closer then any of het family. Idk anymore. I think I'm just going to chill today. I really don't want Tessa to save yet


thanks for reading this book. I really hope I get the same about views in my other book like I did this one.. from the bottom of my heart thank you so much... Byeeeee

One more thing

Always follow your dreams no matter what they are.. Your a bright person don't doubt yourself for a second..

JERIKA (ALoveStory) Where stories live. Discover now