Chapter Two

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Next day
Erika just woke up its 12:00 in the afternoon and she woke up knowing what she had to do and that was to talk to Jake. She didn't like what happened yesterday in the office. (Although I did like his hugs I felt safe) so she's going to go talk to him.

Erika- Jake! Jake! Jake!
Tessa- Erika he's not home he had to run out real quick to do something.
Erika- oh okay (sad face)
Tessa- you okay ?
Erika- yeah I just needed to talk to Jake
Tessa- about what ?
Erika- don't worry about it Tessa damnit
Tessa- okay sorry that I asked.
Erikas Pov. All I wanted was to talk to Jake and he's not even here.
Erika walks over to the mirror and looks at herself and said " okay Erika calm down. It's not like he ran away right ? He will be back. Breath !"

2 hours have past and Jake still isn't here. Where the hell is he. All the sudden Erika hears the front door open she runs down the stairs and see Jake walk through it with chance she runs up to him and jumps on him and hugs him very tight. Jake didn't know what was happening so he went along.

Erika- omg Jake your finally home.
Jake- yeah I am. I had to run and do a few things. What's going on ?
Erika- I need to talk to you about something real quick. Please.
Jake- okay lets go to my room
Erika- okay.
They go up stairs to his room and sit on the bed.
Jake- okay so what you need to talk to me about ?
Erika- Jake I'm completely in love with you, you have no clue how much. You may feel different but I don't. I ran up and jumped on you when you walked in cause I thought something happened to you. And if there was I wouldn't know what to do.
Erika Pov. Jake just sat there not saying. Damn thing and I just poured my heart out to him and not a damn thing came out of his mouth. I guess I shouldn't have said anything.

Erika got up and lefted and before she walked out Jake turned around and grabbed her arm (carefully) and pushed her up against the door and kissed her. Erika didn't try to push him away she went along with it.
Jake- god damn I wanted to do that for so long.
Erika- really ?
Jake- yeah

Jake Pov. God she has some soft lips. I've finally got to kiss her. Now I gotta make her mine. I have too. She probably thought I wasn't going to say anything or do anything. But I did. I needed to do it weather she would resist or not I had to.

Erika- Jake I think we should stop before it goes any further.
Jake- everything okay ? Did i do something wrong ?

Cliff hanger. I'm sorry people.
I might write another chapter not sure.

Will Erika tell Jake what happened to her past  ? Idk yet.

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