Sixty Two

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Guys my chapters are going to have to be shorter. I don't have time to write long ones anymore. Im so sorry that im just writing and posting a chapter but I needed time to think about my life and I did and after this book is done ((Whenever that is)), I won't be writing anyone Jerika fan fiction. Im so sorry. 


Today's Chapter:::

They got into the car and drove to the mall and got out and some guy was looking at them but they didn't care they were going to enjoy the day and rushed inside. They knew he wouldn't do anything in there cause there was a lot of people. 

Erika- okay, Crystal where do you wanna go first?

Crystal- How about Forever 21

Erika- I actually love that place. 

Crystal- I mean I've been there once with my mom until she died. 

Erika- im so sorry. 

Crystal- no its okay. I will be with her soon

Erika- what you mean

Crystal- wait, Jake didn't tell you 

Erika- Wait, Jake knows about this

Crystal- yes why

Erika- he didn't tell me

Crystal- oh im sorry. 

Erika- no its okay not your fault. Let's just enjoy this day okay. 

Erika was very upset and needed to text Jake


Erika- hey why didn't you tell me that Crystal has Cancer

Jake- I mean I didn't think of it

Erika- really Jake? You didn't think of it? That's our daughter

Jake- yes I realize that and im so so so sorry. 

Erika- yeah im sure you are

Jake- I am Erika

Erika- again im sure. Im going to drop Tessa and Crystal off but I need some time away for the night. That's just not something you hide from your wife especially when it's about our daughter. You may have a better connection to her and that's fine but she is OUR daughter meaning both of ours Jake, not just yours. But hey if that's what you want then why am I still around. 

Jake- Erika come on

Erika- no jake im done with the fucken secrets. 

Jake- Erika stop come on we will talk about this when you get home. 

Erika- did you not read what I just said.

Jake- I did and I don't care Erika I wanna talk to you 

Erika- no im done with this conversation. Im going to enjoy shopping with Crystal and Tessa. Byeeee

Jake didn't respond to that... 

Back to shopping with the girls. 

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