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Erika left to go to her moms to get away from everything. Her mom talked her to going back to LA to talk to jake but without the kids with them as long as they need she said she will take care of them till she is ready to come get them.


Today's Chapter:::

Erika's Pov.

Well, today is the day that I have to go back home and talk to Jake not that I want to but my mom is making me do this. I just needed a break from him and here we go again my mom is making me talk to him. Ugh, why? I guess I have to do this for our marriage and for our kids. I got this.

Erika got up out of bed and booked her a ticket back to LA and after she did that she looked over not to see her kids there. She had a mini panic attack. She got up and ran down the stairs. To see her kids in the kitchen with her mom.

Erika- god damn it, mom

Angel- what

Erika- you gave me a freakin heart attack

Angel- why I didn't do anything

Erika- really? My kids are down here not up there with me. I didn't see them there when I woke up and omg it's 11:00 in the morning.

Angel- Well sorry they came to my room and woke me up. I thought you were awake. They said something about wanting to let you sleep in so they did. And what is so important about 11:00?

Erika- mom I have to go to the airport and catch my plane today I literally just booked my ticket and I leave at 12:00.

Angel- well you better get to it

Erika- no shit mother

Angel- Hey! watch that mouth young lady

Erika- sorry mom im just so irritated

Erika ran up the stairs and started crying on her bed and not doing anything just sitting there even though she has to leave in about 30 minutes. Angel knew something was wrong so she went up there to check on her.

Angel- hunny whats wrong


Angel- come on Erika whats going on

Erika- mom, my marriage is falling apart do you not see that and you want me to fly back out there and talk to him. I cant mom I cant move from this bed. I JUST CANT. Jake doesn't care so why should I?

Angel- well one that's a lie he cares and you know that. and second, he loves you and these kids more than anything in this world he would do anything for yall.

Erika- yeah im sure he would. If he did then where is he at huh? Not here he's has his head stuck up his ass and not here, mother. NOT HERE. JUST LEAVE ME ALONE PLEASE.

Erika was so upset she got off her bed and grabbed her keys and walked out the door leaving the kids with her mom. She just drove and drove. she was pretty far from the house... She was thinking to herself.

Erika thinking::

What has ever done for this to happen? I give Jake what he wants he has two beautiful kids out of this and he wants to treat me like shit. No im not doing this anymore. He doesn't care and I know he doesn't. Im not going back to LA if my mom cares enough then she can go to LA and talk to him. Im not going home tonight I don't have time this fucking bull shit anymore.

JERIKA (ALoveStory) Where stories live. Discover now