The Punch

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" You guys are complete and utter idiots!" Pidge scolded once meeting up with Keith and Lance back in the gym. It was a miracle that they'd all managed to outrun whoever was back there.

" Do you know what would've happened if you two got caught?!" Matt exclaimed.

" Hey, man, peer pressure. I tried to stop him, but you know how my boyfriend is." Lance had an arm around Keith.

" You could've dragged him away." Pidge narrowed her eyes at Lance.

" We'd already gotten the door open by that time." Keith said. " What were we supposed to do? Not go in?"

" YES! Exactly that!" Matt pinched the bridge of his nose as they walked up to the other half of the friend group. Allura looked like she could've slapped one of them, or both.

" What were you thinking?!" She tried to keep her angered voice at an indoor volume. But it was still very loud considering the music that blared from the DJ's speakers.

" They weren't thinking at all, that much is obvious." Pidge added.

" We're fine." Lance reassured. " Nobody got caught, nobody got busted or anything like that."

" And I won't have to live the full Piper Chapman experience." Keith smiled uncomfortably.

" Can you not with the Orange is the New Black reference?" Pidge was very salty. Normally she would've been all for talking about that show.

" Okay, I get we're all mad, but there's no need to be like that." Shay tried to play the roll of peacekeeper as she always did.

" Shay is right." Allura shook her head, trying to calm down.

" But seriously do we not get a thank you?" Lance asked, possibly with the worst timing ever. Mostly everyone had moderate dirty looks pointed his way.

" I mean... we have the information now. It's really valuable, and I think it was worth the risk." Keith said.

" We're all trying to figure out who's after you, but that wasn't brave or deserving of a thank you. That was desperate and reckless." Pidge folded her arms.

" Guys, I think if we keep dwelling on how we have the information, we won't get anywhere." Matt said to everyone while putting a hand on his sister's shoulder. " Sure, I'm angry, I won't deny that. But what's done is done. Let's just be happy that no one got in trouble." He looked at Pidge directly. " Right?"

" Right. Fine." She begrudgingly mumbled.

" I couldn't have said it better." Hunk smiled at Matt, feeling exactly the same way.

" So... where do we go from here?" Keith questioned nobody in particular, and Pidge perked up. She already had many thoughts brewing.

" It's obvious to me that Lotor could manipulate Acxa if he wanted to. Even if being family doesn't directly make her guilty of anything, I think that it's a key piece of the puzzle." She spoke.

" Now that I think about it, where even is Acxa?" Lance scanned the sea of moving bodies and flashing lights.

" Maybe she left?" Allura asked.

" It's possible. But I'd still be vigilant. She could very well still be here." Matt said.

" Just because we can't see her doesn't mean that she can't see us." Keith narrowed his eyes, trying to spot her in the crowd. But given the dim lighting and music, she could've been lurking anywhere.

" You two figured that one out the hard way..." Pidge nudged Lance in the side.

" Shut up." The alpha muttered.

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