Author/Beggining Note.

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Hey Guys!!

Yas, I'm here with a new book! Woohoo!

I don't know why I'm doing this, I thing I like punishing myself with extra stress but well, we'll see how I handle with three books at the same time. :)

I actually got a few requests for a Suga FF, so here you are and it's for everyone else too of course.

Now, I realised that I don't have any books that don't include killing, raping, kidnapping...all that good stuff, so finally I'm going to write a book that is nicer than the others I've written.

Now don't get me wrong, there will still be hella smut, just none of my usual violence and everything.

This book will contain, kinky scenes, lots and lots of humour...okay that's pretty much all I can say lmao, ah this feels weird writing a book like this.

Oh well, It's going to be fun, trust me.

Also, we have a beautiful character called Jiyeon, being played by...Jiyeon BeyondTheSmuts so this is going to be really good. I've known her for a very long time (She's my beloved Unnie) and I'm so excited to put her in my book again. (She made an appearance in Beauty and the Beast...remember? The girl who burnt her hand? Okay, you remember.)

I hope you all enjoy it and I love you all.


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