9. The Left Phalange

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"Thank you for the lift home Harry. Sorry my mom couldn't pick me up." Riley thanks me as we pull up on my driveway.

The first day of school was boring as fuck. Just as I expected. Nothing has changed over the summer.

I actually took fucking notes.

Me! Taking notes! That never happens, ever.

I just couldn't let Niall be the fucking hero.

My inner arrogant self has to turn everything into a competition because I'm an idiot.

"It's fine Riley. Not a problem." I say taking off my seatbelt.

She opens the car door, steps outside and walks around the car to stand in front of me.

"Let me just go change and I'll help you with your car."

I don't even know why I offered to look at it. I know fuck all about cars. All I know is what car looks good and that's as far as my knowledge goes. But I have to pretend I know what I'm doing, so I don't look like a complete dick.

Riley waits outside by her car whilst I rush into change.  I throw on a white vest and a pair of black shorts.

I grab a bottle of water from the fridge and as I shut the door, my mom standing behind it scares the shit out of me.

"Jesus Christ mom. Do you float or something? I didn't even hear your footsteps."

"Oh I didn't think you would be home. How was school?" She asks.

I shrug my shoulders. "Same as ever. I've got to go help Riley. She's outside waiting for me."

"Oh really." my mom raises her eyebrows.

"I'm just helping her with her car."

My mums laughter echoes through the kitchen. "Since when did you become a mechanic?" She teases. She knows I'm not going to know what I'm doing. "You can't start off a relationship with a lie Harry."

"There is no relationship mom. Plus you're a fine one to talk. Didn't you tell dad you were 5 years younger then your actual age when you first met?" I give her a stern look.

She awkwardly clears her throat. "Well this isn't about me Harry this is about you." she begins but I start to walk out the door.

"I'll be outside if you need me Pinocchio."

When I open the door I see that Riley is still standing by her car and I casually walk over.

"Sorry I took so long." I say as I get nearer. Her eyes fixated on my face. "I was just talking to my mom."

"That's okay" she smiles at me. "I spoke to your mom this morning. She seems very sweet."

"Are you sure you met the right woman?" I joke causing Riley to giggle.

There's that cute laugh again.

"Let's see what's wrong with her then shall we?" I say as I point at the car.

Riley nods in response and opens the hood so I can take a look. "It just wouldn't start this morning." she informs me.

I look bewildered as I stare at the engine.

Fuck. What have I got myself into.

"Harry?" Riley says knocking me out of my fake concentration.


"How cool must your parents be to let you have that many tattoos."

"Yeah very cool." I scoff.

"Did they not mind?" She asks politely while she stares at the ink sprawled across my arms. "I really want a tattoo but my mom would flip."

I laugh a little. "Well they weren't happy when I came home with my first one. Then they just got used to it I guess."

"I like them. Especially the mermaid. She's very pretty." she beams at me.

Is she flirting with me again?

I don't think I can tell anymore.

"Thank you." I smile back at her.

"So, any idea what's wrong with the car?"

I divert my attention away from the pretty girl standing beside me and look back at the engine.

I carefully touch things pretending I'm looking for something faulty.

Really I'm trying to think of something to say that would be an acceptable reason why her car wouldn't start. An idea pops into my head and I just go with it without even thinking.

I slowly look up at Riley, her bottom lip is pulled in between her teeth and she just looks at me waiting for an answer.

I clear my throat.

"It looks like there is something wrong with the the left phalange."

You are such a fucking moron Styles.

Everyone in the fucking world knows where I got that idea from.

Riley suddenly bursts into laughter.

"You are so funny Harry. The left phalange, that's a good one. You know I have seen Friends right?"

I throw my hands up in defence. "Okay, okay you got me. I have no clue what I'm looking for I know nothing about cars."

"You know as much about cars as you do about gardening huh?" She smiles and I laugh.

She's pretty hot.

Exceptionally hot.

"Normally I would ask my father but he isn't home so let me call Niall. He actually knows what he is doing." I tell her.

If I know anyone who could help Riley out other than Niall I would call them. But unfortunately for me I don't know anyone who knows about cars more then he does.

Niall to the fucking rescue again.

A/N heeyyy I'm back!!

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Another update coming soon.

Love you all


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