27. Why Are You So Nervous?

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"Yes, you finally got a three, take the shot." Riley shouts, picking up my shot glass and shoving the drink in my face.

Wow she really puts her heart and soul into board games.

"If you carry on shouting, you will wake Megan up. What is she going to think when she comes downstairs and sees you sitting here topless with me?" I tease her.

"Sorry. Now take the shot."

I take the glass from her hand, bring it up to my lips and knock the shot back like a pro. But I wince once the liquid hits the back of my throat.

Wow. What fucking whiskey is that? It's really strong. I think she is trying to get us both drunk. Thank fuck I only live next door because if I roll anymore fucking threes in this game, I'm totally done for.

"How strong is that whiskey?" I ask as I pick up the bottle to refill my glass.

It's 40 fucking percent alcohol.

She definitely wants us to get drunk.

"Are you trying to get me drunk and take advantage of me, Riley Payne?"

She giggles at my question. "Do I need to get you drunk for that?"

I think she just made me blush.

What the fuck?

She's right though. She can take advantage of me in any way she wants too. I wouldn't say no.

"It's your turn." I tell her, handing over the dice. She throws a two and lands on a ladder.

Now it's my turn to ask her a question.

Ask her if she is a virgin.

Do it.

"What's your favourite food?" The words come out before I can stop them and I mentally slap myself.

She takes her bottom lip between her teeth and looks at me with a confused expression. "What did you really want to ask me?"

I can't seem to say anything right now. Like I've forgotten how to fucking speak.

"Has Harry Styles gone shy?" She giggles.

"No, I..erm" I stutter.

Oh my god Harry, what the fuck is wrong with you?

"Just ask me."

Talk about peer pressure.

"Are you a virgin?" I ask so quickly that I'm surprised I actually managed to say words and not just stupid fucking sounds.

Instead of a cute little giggle, a loud laughter escapes her mouth.

Well I'm glad she finds my embarrassment funny.

"You're cute." her laughter continues. "I am not a virgin."


Thank god.

"Good." the word slips out of my mouth and I press my lips together before I can embarrass myself any further.

Well done Styles.


"I believe it's your go." she winks.

She is a total fucking tease. I love it, but I hate it at the same time.

My throw of the dice gives me another three and I wince at the taste of the liquid sliding down my throat. Also the three made me land on a snake, now I have to remove a piece of clothing too.

The Girl Next Door ( H.S ) (Postponed)Where stories live. Discover now