19. Nice Headband Axl Rose

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Monday morning rolls around. Another week of school.


I'm tired as fuck this morning.

I stayed up late last night googling 'amazing date ideas' and 'what not to do on a first date'.

Yes that's right, I am that lame.

I just want it to be perfect, I guess.

"Morning Harry." my dad greets me as I walk into the kitchen, for whatever breakfast my mom has made me this morning.

"Holy fuck, you are actually here." I accidentally swear out of pure shock that he isn't at work.

"Language young man. You just caught me on time, I was about to leave." he takes a bite of the apple in his hand before picking up his briefcase. "I should be home for dinner tonight so I would like you to be here."

Yeah, of course he will.

"Sure." I say giving him a half smile.

He kisses my mom on the forehead and heads off to work.

"I bet you he doesn't make it home for dinner." I say to my mother as I sit down at the table.

"Have some faith in your father Harry. Maybe one day he will surprise you." My mum places a bowl, a cereal box and a carton of milk on the table in front of me.

"Oh so no amazing scrambled eggs today?" I tease.

"I was a little busy this morning, I didn't have time to make breakfast." She informs me.

"Eewww. There are things you don't need to share mother."

"Don't be so disgusting Harry. I didn't mean any funny business." She laughs a little.

I actually like the relationship I have with my mom. She is one of the best women I know.

Well, she did give birth to yours truly, so of course she is awesome.

I finish my fruit loops and head upstairs to change for school.

I look at my phone and see I have one new message.

Hey Harry, would you mind giving me a lift to school this morning? Xx

Is your car not working again? Xx

Yeah that's it. My mom has gone to work already so I'm unable to ask her. What do you say? Can you help a damsel in distress? Xx

I'm smiling at my phone again. My dimples must be popping out with how big my stupid grin is.

No problem I'll be ready in about 20 minutes. See you soon xx

I feel like I have a constant need to please her. I pretty much will say yes to anything she asks me.

Well maybe not anything.

I put on a Green Bay Packers jersey and a pair of black skinny jeans. I look in the mirror at my hair, it's grown a lot longer then I usually have it. I can't be bothered to do anything to it so I tie up a headband to push it out of my eyes.

It's something new but I'll give it a try.

"Bye mom!" I shout from the bottom of the stairs as I put on my boots.

"Harry, wait." she says storming out from the kitchen.

What's wrong with her? How did I manage to piss her off in the 15 minutes I was upstairs?

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