22. Nice Hat Harry

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A/N ^^ Harry and Riley's Date Outfits.

School went by so quickly today.

I secretly prayed for it to go slower.

I don't like school but I've been shitting a brick all day.

I'm so fucking nervous.

I hate this feeling. I'm never nervous when it comes to women. I'm usually all calm and chilled out.

Niall asked me to go to a party tonight and I had to give him a bullshit excuse that 'I promised my mom I would spend the night watching movies with her since my dad is away on business.' 

The dad bit is true.

I take out my phone and text Riley.

I'll pick you up at 7. Be ready. Remember just casual clothes are fine. See you later xx

Can't wait. See you soon xx

I take a quick shower before I decide what to wear for tonight.


I finally decided on an outfit after trying on about half of my fucking wardrobe.

Now I know how girls feel while getting ready for a date. Finding something to wear when you are trying to impress someone is extremely fucking difficult.

I pick out a plain white t shirt and black jeans. I throw a grey knitted jumper over my t shirt and find a white hat buried deep in the closet.

My aunt got me the hat for Christmas one year and I threw it the back of the wardrobe never to be seen again.

Until now.

Riley is either going to love it or hate it.

Shall I leave it here?

Fuck. I'll just wear it.

My opt for my brown boots instead of my usual black ones.

I spray myself with my Tom Ford cologne, take a quick look at myself in the mirror and I'm good to go.

I walk downstairs and find my mother sitting on the sofa, bowl of popcorn in her hand, watching some bullshit romance movie.

"Where you off to?" She asks when she spots me.


"Care to elaborate?"

"Not really mom." I sigh.

"Who are you going out with?"

For fuck sake woman! Just let me go, what's with the constant need to know everything?

"Niall." I lie.

"Oh." she says in surprise.

I can tell she doesn't believe me for one second. I have a feeling she knows where I'm going but she wants to hear it from me.

"You are dressed awfully nicer then you usually do when you go out with Niall." she says trying to push me to tell her the truth.

"Bye mother." I say picking up my keys and walking out the door.

"Bye Harry, have a nice date!" she yells behind me, laughing to herself.

Fuck sake. She's going to ask me a bunch of fucking questions tomorrow.

I walk through the gap in the bushes to Riley's house. I take the biggest deep breath before I mentally give myself a little pep talk.

You can do this Harry. It's only a date. She will love it. Just relax.

The Girl Next Door ( H.S ) (Postponed)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora