53. Will You Be My Girlfriend?

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"Harry, you didn't have to bring me here."  Riley tells me as she takes a seat at the table.

"I wanted too. It's not a big deal babe." I reassure her, taking a seat opposite.

I'm getting accustom to this whole pet name thing now, she likes it so it's not that bad i suppose.

"I would have been fine with anywhere Harry, all restaurants have vegetarian options."

"But why pick between five things when you have a whole menu of delicious dishes." I laugh lightly causing her to smile cutely at me.

I booked myself and Riley dinner at a vegetarian restaurant across town tonight. The only one that I could actually find and it took a long google search to track it down.

I wanted tonight to be perfect. I know she already likes me but I want her to see that I could potentially be a good boyfriend even though I've had no practice what so ever.

"Thank you, I really appreciate it." She tells me before looking down at the menu in front of her.

Our waiter comes over to take our drink order, pours us some water and tells us he will return once we have chosen what we would like to eat.

"Order anything you want." I tell her, making sure she's comfortable with the food choices she makes. "Don't hold back."

"You know me well enough to know I never hold back Harry." She winks at me as she takes a sip of her water.

She's so sexy. I want to forget this dinner altogether, take her home and rip her clothes off.

I've never wanted a girl this much in...well ever really.

"Are you okay? You seem a little worked up." She takes her bottom lip between her teeth and i feel her foot rise up my leg making my eyes light up and my cock twitch.

Never mind taking her home, I'll fuck her right here on this table.

"Are you doing that on purpose?" I ask her with a raised eyebrow.

She's very flirty tonight.

I like it.

"I don't know what you are talking about." She grins looking down at her menu again.

I roll my eyes playfully before finally taking a glance at my own menu.

I don't even like vegetables.

I hope there's something half decent on this menu.

I scan over the menu about three times trying to pick something more extravagant then a margarita pizza. I could have just taken her to the pizzeria down the street and I'm sure if I order that she will feel bad about my choice of restaurant.

"I think I'm going to have the mushroom risotto." She says closing her menu. "What are you having?"

I don't know.

"I think I'm just going to have mac n cheese." I tell her trying to sound convincing that I like that, which I don't.

I'm trying to much aren't I?

This dating shit is hard.

"Good choice. If I had to choose one meal to eat for the rest of my life it would be Mac n cheese."

Well I'm glad she likes it.

Once the waiter returns and we order our food we talk for a brief moment before Riley excuses herself to the toilet and I'm left alone to ponder in my thoughts until she returns.

I look around the little restaurant and a woman across the room catches my eye and winks at me.

Usually I would smile at her and wink back, loving the female attention but weirdly I feel a little uncomfortable and I wish Riley came back already.

The Girl Next Door ( H.S ) (Postponed)Where stories live. Discover now