44. Detention From Hell

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"So what did you do at lunch?" Niall asks me, leaning over from his desk. "Or more like who did you do?" He laughs, causing Riley to choke on air.

"What are you talking about? I had detention I already told you."

"Yeah, sure you did. Then explain to me why your t shirt is now ripped and there's a twig in your hair." He leans over removing the stick and throwing it on the floor.

Oh shit.

"Yeah Harry, where were you?" Riley asks biting the inside of her cheek trying to hide her smug smile. "Your jeans look dirty too."

Oh she wants to play games again? She thinks she's funny.

"I don't know what you're talking about either, you disappeared too, I text you to ask if you wanted to get lunch and you never replied."

"Yeah Riley. Where did you go?" I turn towards her, tapping my fingers on the table waiting for an answer.

"I met my mom for lunch, we don't really spend much time together because she's always working."

Wow she's really good at lying. Even I believed that for a second.

"So where were you Styles?" Niall pesters on trying to get any type of information from me, but it's definitely not going to work.

"I'll tell you later." I say just trying to get him off my back. Riley glances at me and I shake my head just to reassure her that I won't actually tell him the truth, she lightly smiles at me before focusing all her attention back to the teacher.

"Why can't you tell me now?" Niall still won't drop it. "You're not doing Vicky again are you? I thought that shipped sailed."

"Fuck no!" I shout a little too loud and everyone turns their heads to look at me.

"Mr Styles and Mr Horan, up-to your usual antics I see. I'm starting to think you like detention so I'll gladly see you back here at the end of the day." Miss Harper goes on.

Great, just my luck. I already have detention anyway so it makes no difference to me. But now I can't be really close to Riley with Niall right up my ass. That's definitely dampened my mood. If only Niall shut up for once then I wouldn't have this problem. Always pushing me for information that I don't want to give. Detention is going to be a nightmare.


Me and Niall had our last class of the day together so we walk into the detention room together. So far, we are the only ones here. Niall is trying to make some sort of conversation with me but all I can do is stare at the door waiting for Riley to come in.

I'm pathetic.

I wonder if I take up all of her thoughts as she does mine?

I fucking hope so. Jealously does not do my sanity any justice. I can't deal with that shit.

Miss Harper excuses herself from the room but not before making us take a seat and get out some books to do 'homework'. She does make me laugh that woman. It's like she doesn't know her favourite student at all.

Her favourite being me, clearly.

"Mother fuckers!" Louis yells into the room before taking a seat. "Why are you guys in detention? Were you caught making out with each other again." He laughs hysterically. The only person that finds him funny is himself.

"Why are you here?" Niall asks.

"I might have accidentally hit Pearson with a lacrosse stick." He says using air quotes on the word accidentally. "It was just a little tap on his shin, they are taking it well out of proportion. You know me guys, I'm not a violent guy, unless you piss me off." He grins as if butter wouldn't melt.

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