41. Scrunched Up Paper

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"Oh, good morning Mr Styles. Nice of you to join us." Mr Davis greets me as I walk into my math class 20 minutes late.


I just had to calm myself down, after Louis told me about Niall's bet. I've decided for now I'm going to keep it to myself, which is probably going to come back and bite me in the ass at some point but I'll deal with that later.

"Would you care to explain why you're late for my lesson Harry?" Davis asks, peering over the piece of paper he is holding in his hand.

"Erm..." I hesitate.


Should have thought this through before I walked in the room.

"I had a mean curry last night and it's giving me a bad case of the shits sir." I tell him holding my hand over my stomach. "I'd avoid the boys bathroom if I were you."

A few quiet giggles from students fill the room, however Mr Davis is clearly not amused.

He obviously has no sense of humour because I'm highly amusing.

"Take a seat Mr Styles and make it a comfortable one because you will be in the same seat after school in detention." He grins at me.


I groan in annoyance as I take the only empty seat at the fucking front of the class.

I never sit at the front.

Usually I would argue my way out of detention but I'm trying to avoid going home for as long as possible so it's weirdly convenient for me.

I sit there just staring at the board in front of me, full of mathematical equations that I'm never going to fucking use.

Oh how I loathe math.

I can add and subtract, surely that's all I'm going to fucking need in the real world, not all this x and y bullshit and find the multiple of n. Or the angle of a fucking triangle.

I lean back in my chair, not caring what Davis is talking about, when suddenly I feel something hit my head, falling on my desk.

It's a scrunched up piece of paper.

My head darts around to look behind me, when the culprit catches my eye.

Riley gives me a cute little wave and a stupid smile appears across my face. She mouths the words 'read it' gesturing to the paper ball in my hand.

She's so cute.

I know I've said that a million times but it's the truth.

I shift in my seat and unfold the paper to read it.

Hey rockstar.

Care to join me at lunch today? I found a secluded little spot where no one can see us making out. Sound good to you? Sneeze loudly for no or cough loudly for yes. It has to be LOUD or I won't be able to hear you ;)

Love Riley

Ps. Looking good Styles, you're definitely having a good hair day today.

I roll my eyes playfully at how adorable she is.

I can feel my face heat up.

Fuck, I'm blushing.

Knock it off Harry. Get a grip.

Even after seeing her completely naked on my bed, she still makes me nervous, shy and fucking awkward.


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