24. A Beautiful View

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After a bunch of spin around rides and a few games later, we decided the last thing to do was to ride the Ferris wheel.

It was Riley's favourite thing to do at the whole carnival so we saved the best till last.

She excused herself to the toilet and told me she would meet me in the queue when she was done.

She has taken a little longer then expected and I've already reached the front and it's the last available seat and also the last ride of the night.

"Is it just you?" The uninterested man asks me.

"No mate, someone should be here any second." I tell him as I take a seat in one of the carriages. "Can we just wait for like a minute?"

He rolls his eyes. "One minute, no longer."

Normally I wouldn't put up with his tone and I would say something, but I try my hardest to bite my tongue as I don't want to get chucked off. It's the last ride and I can't let Riley down.

As I just sit here, I feel like Simon, waiting for his blue to come along.

Yes I've seen that film.

More then once.

It was really good.

In a couple of seconds I see her running up towards me.

"Sorry, I'm here, I'm here." She says trying to catch her breath. "Wow the queue to the toilet was really long. I nearly wet myself just waiting."

She takes a seat next to me and smiles.

"Hi" I say smiling back.

"Are you ready now?" The guy asks us.

"Yes, I'm very sorry for making you wait. I hope it wasn't any trouble." Riley politely apologises.

"No trouble at all darling." the dude tells her and I roll my eyes.

I hate him.

A lot.

The ride begins and we slowly lift off the floor.

As we get higher, towards the top, I glance over at Riley and she's staring into the sky with a big smile on her face.

"Look at the view from up here Harry. It's amazing." she tells me.

At the moment I can't take my eyes off of her. Her hair is blowing gently in the wind, the huge smile lighting up her whole face. Her eyes sparkling from the moonlight. She looks incredibly beautiful.

Wow. My thoughts sound like something straight out of a Nicholas sparks novel.

"Harry. It's a beautiful view, isn't it?" She turns her head to look at me and I quickly take my eyes off of her before she catches me staring.

"Yeah. It really is." I tell her. But I don't mean the view from the top of the Ferris wheel.

"That's one of the two reasons why this is my favourite ride."

"Oh yeah. What's the second reason?" I ask her

"I'll tell you the story." she moves as close as she can towards me wrapping her arm around mine. She leans her head on my shoulder and continues to look out towards the sky. "When we first came to a carnival I was like 7 years old. Megan wasn't born then so it was just me and my dad, my mom was working at the time. I remember being really scared to ride the Ferris wheel."

"What changed?"

"He sat me down in the carriage and I wrapped my arm around him exactly like this. He told me to focus on his voice. I thought he was going to tell me a story but he began to sing a song. That was the first time I've ever heard my dad sing. I was so mesmerised by his voice I didn't even notice we had moved. Until he pointed and told me to look at the beautiful view."

"What did he sing?" I ask her completely interested in everything she is saying.

"Love me tender, by Elvis Presley. Every time we came to the carnival after that. Even though I wasn't scared of the Ferris wheel anymore, he would always sing to me. It's become my favourite ride ever since."

"Do you miss him?"

She nods her head in response. "I really do. But he cheated on my mother, totally turned mine and Megan's life upside down and for that I just can't forgive him."

"I understand. But there is a bright side to all of this." I tell her.

She lifts up her head to look at me. "Yeah, what's that?"

"You met me." I grin, half joking.

It's true though. If her dad didn't cheat on her mom, they wouldn't have moved in next door and I would have never met her.

So I thank him for that.

"You are right." She sits up and looks into the distance. "Thanks dad for doing the dirty on mom. Or I wouldn't be sitting right here with this very handsome boy by my side." she giggles. "And not forgetting this gorgeous purple unicorn."

She thinks I'm handsome.

Well obviously I am.

But I like to hear her say it.

Before we know it the ride has come to an end.

"Thank you for bringing me here Harry. I loved it. It was very sweet of you." Riley tells me as we walk away from the Ferris wheel.

"You're welcome. I'm glad you had a good time."

"It's been the best date ever." she informs me.

"Better then lunch on a boat?" I tease.

"A million times better then lunch on a boat."

Im celebrating my victory on the inside.

I am a master at first dates.

I should become some sort of dating coach.

Like Hitch.

Okay. I'm being too cocky now.

It was just one date.

As we walk past the refreshment stand I quickly grab a bag of cotton candy.

"For my lady." I say as I pass the bag to Riley. "Can't go to a carnival without getting cotton candy right?"

"You are learning fast Styles. Very impressive."

I take her hand in mine as we walk out of the gates.

"Hey, hop on." I gesture for her to get on my back, to take her back over the hill to the car.

"You are the perfect gentleman Harry Styles." She tells me as she jumps onto my back trying not to drop her unicorn.

"Only for you Riley Payne."

A/N sorry it's taken me so long to update and this chapter is a bit shorter then the rest.

How do you think the date went? Did you like it or could it have been better?

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Love you all


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