10. Awkward Third Wheel

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Riley and I are standing by her car, waiting for Niall's arrival.

When I called him he was asleep as per usual, cause he is a lazy shit. He told us to give him 30 minutes and he will come help.

Well that was over an hour ago and there's still no sign of him.

I feel like a fucking idiot not to have invited Riley inside to wait there, but we've been outside for an hour, surely it's too late to ask her now?

We have been asking each other random questions to pass the time. I found out a lot of shit I couldn't usually care less about.

"Do you have any pets?" She asks me.

"No, I had a few goldfish once but I forgot to keep feeding them so they died. I don't think my parents trusted me with any other pets after that. I mean I couldn't keep a fish alive so imagine if I had like a hamster or something."

She giggles.

She's cute.

Very cute.

"I have a grey rabbit called Mr Fitz, I named him after a character in a tv show called pretty little liars. Have you seen it?" She asks, her tongue darts out to wet her plump lips and distracts me from her question.

I think I'm just staring at her now.


She knocks me out of my trance.

Yep I was staring.

She thinks I'm creepy.

"No. I haven't seen little pretty liars."

She laughs again.

"It's pretty little liars, silly." she says smiling. "Do you want to borrow my hearing aid. I think you may need it."

Her eyes crinkle at the sides when she laughs.

Oh my god someone punch me.

"You should watch it Harry it's really good."

I cough awkwardly. "Yeah maybe I will."

I probably won't.

A couple of seconds later. An irish voice calls from a little down the road.

"Here comes your knight in shining armour."

He is riding a bike.

Not a motorbike, an actual fucking bicycle.

Including a helmet.

A pink one.

I shake my head in embarrassment for him but at the side of me I hear Riley giggle.

She finds this funny?

Niall wobbles a little on the bike as he approaches us and comes to an abrupt stop nearly throwing himself over the handlebars.

This has got to be some fucking practical joke or something.

"Look how cool you look on your little bike." Riley sniggers.

Cool? Is she being fucking serious? How does he look cool?

I'm cooler then him.

The Girl Next Door ( H.S ) (Postponed)Where stories live. Discover now