42. Catch Me If You Can

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After gym was done I had a free period.

I find myself looking at my watch every 10 minutes to see if it's time for lunch and that's not because I'm hungry.

Not for food anyway.

"Styles!" Louis shouts from behind me, causing me to roll my eyes as I turn around to face him.

For fuck sake, can't this dude just leave me alone?

"What's up?" I sigh.

I'm not in the mood for anymore shit today. He has done enough to piss me off already so I'd rather just engage in as little conversation as I can with him.

"How's the bet going?" He asks wrapping his arm around my shoulder.

Is he high or something?

Well that's the stupidest question he has ever asked. Nothing's changed since this morning. What did he expect? Me to fuck her in the janitors closet? As hot as that would be, I'll pass.

"Erm, Well I'm not going to fuck her here am I?"

"Hasn't stopped you before Styles."

Lets not talk about that.

"Well not this time." I tell him as we walk towards my locker.

"You have changed Harry. What's got into you?" Louis leans on the locker next to mine, resting his back up against the metal, his arms folded across his chest. "You used to be fun. Something change over the summer?"

Why is he prying into my life, like he actually gives a fuck?

"No. I'm still the same."

"Like hell you are." He says pushing himself away from the locker, looking over my shoulder at something that's gained his attention. "Your girls looking hot today, or should I say Niall's girl?" He taunts, laughing lightly.

I slowly turn around to see Riley walking down the hallway with a friend, she's laughing at something and I can't tear my eyes away from her.

She's absolutely breathtaking.

How long do I have left until she's all mine for an hour?

As she is about to turn the corner, she looks up briefly and winks at me before she carries on with her conversation.

And the return of the stupid smile is appearing in 5..4..3...2..1

Yep there it is.

"Did she just wink at you?" Louis asks nudging my shoulder.

"What? No." I shake my head.

"She totally fucking winked at you bro. Maybe Niall won't win after all."

Shut the fuck up.

"Don't be ridiculous, maybe she winked at you. Maybe she wants some of that Tomlinson dick."

I mentally punch myself for that comment.

Makes me feel sick just thinking about it.

"Well who can blame her?" He scoffs, making me vomit in my mouth a little. "Maybe I'll get myself in on this bet too, she is pretty hot, imagine what her body looks like underneath those clothes."

I don't have to imagine, I've seen it.

And she looks incredible.

The ringing off the school bell saves me from more of this bullshit conversation with Louis. I excuse myself from his presence, taking my phone out of my pocket to text Riley and ask where to meet her.

The Girl Next Door ( H.S ) (Postponed)Where stories live. Discover now