26. Snakes And Ladders

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"I think we should make this game more interesting." Riley tells me, flicking her hair over her shoulder.

I don't see how you can make snakes and ladders more interesting, but I would like to hear her ideas.

"Okay. Give me a second I need to get something." she jumps up from the floor and walks towards her kitchen.

Our mothers have gone to a spa, Audrey has left Riley in charge of looking after Megan for the night. Once Megan fell asleep, she text me to ask if I wanted to come over and hang out.

Considering I found myself with no plans on a Saturday night, I said yes and here we are. Playing snakes and fucking ladders like 5 year olds.

Though, I have beaten her twice, so I am crowning myself the king of this board game.

Walking back in with 2 shot glasses and a bottle of what I gather is whiskey, she sits back down opposite me on the floor.

"Okay, I have a few ideas." she hands me a glass, opens the bottle of whiskey and begins to fill up the shot glasses.

"Care to tell me the details?"

"Pick a number between one and six."

"Erm." I shrug. "Three I guess."

"If you roll the dice and it lands on a three, you have to take a shot."

Okay that idea isn't bad.

"If you land on a ladder, you have to answer a personal question." She continues to inform me with the new rules.

Is this the right time to ask if she is a virgin?

I really want to know.

"And if you land on a snake, you have to remove an item of clothing." she grins.

That was a surprise. I wasn't expecting her to say that.

She totally just wants to see me naked.

"Harry, do you want to play or do you want to continue staring at the wall?"

"Yeah, cool, I'll play." I cough awkwardly.

That strip rule just threw me off.

Fingers crossed she lands on more snakes then I do.

"Ladies first." I tell her handing her the dice. She shakes it in her hand a few times before eventually throwing it on the board. "Oh, look at that, a three already. Drink up Miss Payne."

She delicately giggles before picking up the shot and knocking it back with ease. She fills the glass back up with whiskey, picks up the dice and hands it to me. "Your go rockstar."

I roll the dice and throw a four.

I'm safe for now.


"Lucky escape Styles." she teases me as she takes her next turn.

She rolls a six and nothing.

The game continues on for a few more turns with nothing happening until it's my go again and I land on a ladder.

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