16. Truth Or Dare

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"Yo, Styles!" Louis shouts towards me as he comes into the kitchen. "Do you want another drink?" He hands me red cup full of clear alcohol.

"What is it?" I ask,  but don't even let him answer before I chug it back. I wince as the liquid runs down slowly burning my throat. "Fuck Tommo, are you trying to kill me?"

Louis throws his head back in laughter.

Luckily I can handle my drink or I would have thrown up before it even reached the back of my throat.

I wasn't planning on going out tonight but after Riley reminded me of her date with Niall I didn't want to sit at home thinking about it.

Louis was throwing one of his parties so I decided to get drunk instead.

Probably not the greatest idea. But what the hell.

A few more beers and a couple of shots later I'm starting to feel a little tipsy. I slump down onto the sofa and not a minute later someone falls into my lap.

"Hi babe." the familiar voice rings in my ears.

"Oh, Hey Amanda. Are you okay?" I ask just to be polite but not really giving a fuck.

"Better now I've seen you." She giggles.

Her giggle isn't as cute as Riley's.

Not that I'm comparing or anything.

Amanda's arms wrap around my neck. Her legs part to straddle my lap and her hips grind into my crotch.

Now, in my right frame of mind I would have told her to get off me.

But I'm a little tipsy and at this precise moment, I'm thinking with my cock instead.

My hands find their way under her blouse and my thumbs draw circles against her bare skin. Before moving down to grab her ass.

Her tongue glides up from my collarbone to the spot under my jaw. "Ive missed you inside of me Harry." she whispers seductively in my ear.


She crashes her lips into mine and my tongue darts out to play with hers.

After making out for a couple of minutes,  I feel a tap on my shoulder.

"Harry?" Louis says.

"What? I'm a bit busy mate." I say between kisses.

"Thought you might wanna know, your girl is here." he whispers.

I completely stop what I'm doing.

"What?" I say wiping the lipstick off my mouth with the back of my hand.

"Niall is in the kitchen and his date is with him." he tells me.

"Excuse me for a minute." I tell Amanda, picking her up off my lap and sitting her down on the sofa.

She groans in frustration but I pretend not to hear it. I grab my drink and walk into the kitchen.

"Styles!" Niall greets me as I head over to sit on the counter top.

The Girl Next Door ( H.S ) (Postponed)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя