28. Lady In The Streets, Freak In The Sheets

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We quietly sneak into Riley's bedroom, trying not to wake Megan up. Without even thinking I take a deep breath before I enter the room.

She definitely heard that.

Again I look like an idiot.

"Relax Harry. I'm sure you have been in plenty of girls bedrooms before." She whispers leading me through the doorframe.

I have, shes right.

Usually it's just casual, adequate sex and then I leave.

But somehow this is different.

I actually like this girl.

More than I care to admit. Even to myself.

She gives me butterflies.

Oh my god that sounds super fucking lame.

I've watched too many romance movies and I feel like my life is becoming part of one. I can imagine this in some sort of fluffy romantic comedy on Netflix or in a teen romance book.

As soon as I step foot in the room I take a look at the surroundings. Usually I would be throwing the girl down on the bed and getting down to the magic, not giving two flying fucks what the room has in it.

I've heard you can tell a lot about a person from what their bedroom looks like.

Well, from seeing an acoustic guitar and a keyboard in the corner of the room, I can tell she likes to play music. Though I already knew that from hearing her sing in her front yard when I was pretending not to spy on her.

"Do you play?" I ask her nodding my head towards the instruments. "Or are they just for show? I mean, I have a guitar in my room but I can't play it or anything I just think it looks cool."

"I play yeah. Only a little. I'm not that good." She quietly tells me and I already know she is lying. I've heard it once before. She's just being modest. "I like to write songs more then play them."

"I bet you are really good. Do you sing too?"

"I can sing, well my mom tells me I can. But don't all mothers tell their children that?" She smiles.

"Oh no, my mother tells me I sound like a strangled cat when I try to sing. You will only ever get the truth from that woman." I joke. "I get it from her though, she can't hold a tune to save her life. You should hear her singing power ballads in the shower thinking she's auditioning for Xfactor or something."

"Singing in the shower is a serious thing Harry. Everyone gives it a 5 star performance in there. Although I've heard my mom give an acceptance speech for her imaginary Oscar before." She tells me making me lightly laugh.

I've never had a girl make me laugh as much as she does. I think that's what makes me like her even more.

I stand in the middle of her room a little awkwardly and my heart accelerates when I feel the softness of her fingertips gently stroke lines up and down my arm.

"We didn't come up here to talk." She says as she now stands in front of me.

This girl knows what she wants.

I like that.

But it also makes me nervous and I hate it.

She places both her hands on my chest, taking small steps forward as she pushes me back, making me fall flat onto the bed.

She takes the opportunity to straddle my lap.

For a few minutes I completely forgot she was still topless. I can't take my eyes off of her as she flicks her hair over her shoulder, exposing more of the enticing skin on her neck.

And also completely having her full cleavage on display.

She looks so fucking sexy right now and I bite down on my lip at the sight of her.

My hands stay still at the side of me. I don't fucking know what to do with them. I can't find the courage to move.

Just touch her you complete and utter fucking moron.

Stop acting like a scared virgin and make a move Styles!

She leans in closer and her lips brush against mine, placing her hands on either side of my head I feel her hot breath against my ear. "Relax Harry, you seem tense. You can touch me, it's alright" she's delicately whispers in my ear, making my dick twitch instantly.

She doesn't even have to touch me to get me excited. I'm not used to that and it makes me a nervous wreck.

"I'm just a normal girl Harry. Just do what you would normally do in this situation. I'm okay with it."

If she knew what I was usually like in the bedroom department then I don't think she would have said that.

I'm like a ferocious animal.

I'm a beast.

Wow. I think a lot of myself.

But considering I haven't had any complaints I will continue to think like that until told otherwise.

"I don't think you know what I'm capable of" I mumble against her skin.

"Oh, Harry." She giggles. "I don't think you understand what I'm capable of. I'm pretty sure I can handle it." She crashes her lips against mine, taking my bottom lip into her mouth biting down, not hard enough to hurt but enough to be pleasurable. "I think you may have met your match with me Styles." She breathes against the skin of my neck before finding the sweet spot under my ear lobe.

Holy fucking shit.

I'm pretty sure she can feel my heart pounding in my chest.

I actually have no fucking words.

She acts so innocent normally, but it's like a spark has ignited a flame in her, turning her into a completely different person.

Lady in the streets, freak in the sheets as some might say.

Now if I can only find the courage to actually fucking do something then we would have a fun time.

I surely don't want to be a complete disappointment.

You can do this Harry.

Breathe and take control.


Sorry about the short chapter again.

Hopefully I can double update today. Fingers crossed.

There will be some smut coming up next wooo.

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