49. Everything Happens For A Reason

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"I think I better go before we both fall asleep and your mom catches me here." I tell Riley as I gently stroke her hair.

After I made her come undone one more time. She put on a movie for us to watch as we cuddled on her bed. She currently has her head on my chest with her arm wrapped around my waist.

"You're right. But I don't want you to go." She says, looking up at me and giving the cutest smile.

"Well I don't really want to leave you either. But I also don't want you to get into trouble when your mom comes back."

She nods lightly before shifting from her position and straddling my lap. My dick throbs from the feeling.

"Any time for round three?" She raises her eyebrow before dipping her head down and kissing my neck. I hiss when she sucks harshly on the spot below my ear and she slowly begins to grind her hips against mine.

"If you keep doing that then I won't have a choice." I tell her and she giggles against my neck.

"Another time?" She suggests.

"Definitely." I tuck a loose strand of hair behind her ear and kiss her plump lips.

It's very, very tempting to get tangled up in the sheets again but I know I have to face the music at home at some point tonight.

I sigh as I sit up off the bed and grab my shirt from the floor. Goosebumps arise on my skin when I feel Riley's lips gently kiss my shoulder.

"Are you going to be okay?" She asks and I nod in response.

"I'll be fine. The damage has already been done, I just need to pick up what's left of the pieces."

"I'll be right here if you need me. Always."

"I know baby." I say giving her a soft smile and a kiss on the forehead. "I'll see you tomorrow. Get some sleep."

"I will."


I stand outside my front door and I let out a huge sigh before I enter.

I can feel my body begin to shake, not only from anger but from nerves. I don't know what's going to happen to my family from this moment on.

I don't know how to feel.

I wish I asked Riley to come with me.

I could just turn around now, but what good would that be?

I can't just keep running away when things get tough.

When I enter the house the lights are off in the lounge. I assume that my parents are either asleep or not home.

Maybe they were looking for me?

I turned my phone off so they couldn't suffocate me with their constant phone calls and text messages.

"Harry?" I hear my mothers voice call from the kitchen, I didn't even notice the little light peaking through the doorway.

"Yeah mom it's me." I say as I walk towards her, taking off my jacket and throwing it over the couch.

As soon as I look at her face I know she has been crying. Her eyes are puffy, her make up is smeared down her cheeks. My heart aches just looking at her.

I look around before I take a seat at the table opposite her.

"I'm so sorry Harry. I really am." She begins to tell me.

"It's fine mom. Don't worry about it."

"It's not fine Harry. You always do this. It's okay to be angry, hurt and upset. Don't push me out like you always do. Just talk to me."

I am all of those things she just said. But I'm trying my fucking hardest to not blow up. She doesn't need me to rage at her, she's dealing with the same shit me as that's the last thing she needs.

I sit there in silence, unable to even glance in her direction.

"Please just say something. It's just me and you. Your father isn't here Harry. Just say what you need to say. I deserve to be yelled at for keeping this from you for so long. I wanted to tell you. A few times I nearly slipped up but your father needed more time. For what, I don't know exactly but I tried to get him to tell you every day Harry, I really did. You have to believe that."

"I believe you mom." I sigh and close my eyes.

I do believe her. There's no need for her to lie to me now. What would be the point?

"Everything happens for a reason Harry." My mom tells me and I roll my eyes at her optimism.

That's her problem. She always sees the good in things despite the fucked up circumstances.

"Your father isn't a horrible man Harry." She carries on spewing her bullshit and I scoff at her ridiculous views on life. "He just did a stupid thing that he can't take back."

She reaches for my hand but I pull it way before she can touch me.

"How long was he having an affair before you found out?" I ask her, not sure why I asked because I don't even know if I want to hear the answer.

"A month, maybe two. I'm not sure on the details. I didn't really want to know."

I don't blame her.

I know I haven't been the most respectful to girls in my life. But I know I wouldn't be a cheater. I like to think I would be very loyal if I ever had a girlfriend or a wife, or any kind of serious relationship.

I just never wanted a girlfriend before.

Before Riley came along that is and now I'm contemplating wether to change my whole mind set on relationships.

To be honest I thought my parents were the poster board couple for healthy relationships. But it goes to show you how much I know.

"Are you going to talk to your father?" My mother asks me in almost a whisper.

I shake my head.

I never want to speak to that man again.

"Harry, I know your angry. Believe me I know. I was in the exact same position as you a couple of months ago. I think I went through every emotion possible these past 2 months."

"Mom. If you are telling me you have forgiven dad for this, I'm getting up and I'm leaving because he doesn't deserve your forgiveness." I tell her when I finally look at her in the eyes.

I mean every single word of that.

That man deserves nothing from us.

"I haven't. Not yet. But I want you to at least talk to him and hear what he has to say. Only once. Then if you decide you don't want anything to do with him after that then it will be fine. You're old enough now to make your own decisions and I won't get in the way of whatever you decide to do." She gives me a slight smile and I look away.

"I'll think about it." I tell her just to keep the peace for now. I don't want to speak to him and I don't think I will change my mind on the matter.

"Thank you."

I stand up from the table at the same time as my mom rushes to her feet.

"I love you Harry." She says as she approaches me and wraps her arm around my waist.

"I know mom. I love you too." I rest my chin on the top of her head and throw my arm around her shoulder before I wipe away a tear that I didn't realise had fallen down my cheek.

"Would you like a cup of tea and watch a movie with me?" She asks me as she breaks away from our quick embrace.

"Sure." I nod.

Anything to keep my mind off of the bullshit in my life.


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