34. Major Dick Twitch

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"Riley, wake up." I say, shaking the lifeless body laying next me.

We must have fallen asleep watching a movie.

That's a first for me. We were actually cuddling.

Me, Harry Styles, cuddling a girl, watching a movie. Since when do I ever do that? It's usually sex and that's it.

We didn't even have sex though. I decided against it. I ruined the moment earlier by telling her about the bet, then she got naked again. I'm surprised I was still thinking straight while staring at her laying there butt fucking naked, but I figured it wasn't the right time and she agreed. So we searched for a movie on netflix.

It was one of the hardest decisions of my life, not going to lie.

I actually turned down sex.

What has my life become?

I gave her some of my clothes to wear so she was comfortable. The trousers were so big on her and she looked fucking adorable.

I only woke up about 10 minutes ago and checked the time. It's gone 3am and Riley is asleep beside me. She must be a really heavy sleeper though as I've tried to wake her up 3 times, shaking her is clearly not working, she needs to get home before her mom notices she's not there.

She's fallen asleep with her hearing aid in so surely she will still be able to hear me properly right?

"Riley!" I shout trying to wake her again.


"Riley!" I shout again a little louder as well as trying to shake her.

She actually moved a little this time.


I shake her a little more, she slowly opens her eyes and looks at me.

"Harry? What are you doing in my room?" She asks rubbing her eyes with the back of her hands.


"You are actually in my room. Do you not remember?" I'm confused. I don't think she was drunk in the slightest, maybe she's still have asleep. She looks adorable though.

She looks at me for a split second and quickly sits up.

"Oh crap, what's the time? My mother is going to kill me if she finds out that I'm not there." She hurriedly climbs out of the bed looking for her shoes. "Why did you let me fall asleep?"

"I didn't exactly let you, I fell asleep too." I look down at my phone that's resting on the bedside table. "It's 3:26am."

Her eyes go wide in shock.

"Your mom was passed out on the couch, I'm sure she hasn't even moved. You will be fine babe."

Again with the babe shit.

Think before you speak Styles.

"Well if you don't see me ever again after this it's because I'm dead. Make sure you come to my funeral."

She's funny.

"I wouldn't miss it for the world."I say approaching her, cupping her cheeks with my hands to kiss her on the forehead. "You're cute."

"Help me find my shoes please, I really have to go."

"Maybe I hid them because I don't want you to leave." I joke.

"Nope. You wouldn't do that. You are more of the type to throw a girls shoes at her to make her leave faster." She says, desperately trying to find her shoes around my room.

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