51. Walking, Fucking Cliché

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At lunch me and Niall took a trip to O Neil's so we could have a chat about the shit that's been going on with my father and I also wanted to get the details on the whole Vicky situation.

Also to talk about Riley but I'm going to avoid that for as long as possible.

"Holy shit. I can't believe that. I thought your dad was a nice guy, he had everyone fooled I guess huh?" Niall says after he finally picks up his jaw off the floor. I gave him the news about my fathers infidelity first to get it out of the way and he was shocked to say the least. "Is your mom okay?"

"Not really no. She thinks I should hear him out though but I don't want to. I can't even bare to look at him. I don't want him anywhere near me."

"I don't blame you. I would be fuming too. There's going to be another little Styles running around. I hope for their sake the baby don't turn out anything like you." He laughs making a lighthearted joke of the situation.

"Shut up, he would be lucky to have another child as ridiculously good looking and amazing as I am." Im laughing but even joking about my fathers new baby makes me angry. It's still a really sore subject and I decide to move it along quickly. "So are you and Vicky like a thing now or what?" I ask Niall dipping my fry into the mayo before shoving it in my mouth.

"I don't know." He shrugs. "I think I want to ask her out."

"Like on a date or to be exclusive?"

"Exclusive." He tells me trying to not make eye contact, looking everywhere he possibly can without looking at my face. "We have already been on a few dates." He adds coughing awkwardly.

Fucking hell.

I didn't know it was that serious. I genuinely thought it was just sex but clearly not.

I mean I'm happy for him and I'm really glad it gets her off my back.

Does that mean I don't even need to mention Riley?


I should tell him.

"Wow. How did this even happen?" I ask, a part of me is actually curious.

"I bumped into her at a party one night, she was drunk, more than usual. I took her home, stayed with her until the morning to make sure she was okay, then just kind of went from there. I didn't have any interest in her while you were banging her, I swear."

"I only had sex with her once or twice I don't remember. I can't believe how many times you used to bust my balls about Vicky and now look at you." I laugh.

Oh how the tables have turned.

"She's actually really nice if you get to know her properly. Not just a hot body. She's pretty intelligent too, and funny." He says smiling too himself.

Shit, is he like in love with her or something?

It's weird to hear Niall talk about any girl in this way, even weirder that it's Vicky though.

"I need to tell you something actually." I murmur leaning back in my chair after nearly downing my whole beer in one go.

"I think I know what you are going to say before you even say it." He says surprising me.

Surely I'm not that obvious?

"You like Riley don't you?" He smirks.

"Erm..." I stammer.

"I know you do. I'm actually surprised it's taken you this long to say anything though."

Maybe I have made it obvious.

"How do you know?"

"Trust me bro I can tell. I've known you for 8 years now, I know you better then you know yourself." He takes a sip of his beer before he continues. "Plus you're not very good at hiding things."

"What do you mean?"

"Well the look on your face every time she walks in the room is one thing." He scoffs and I move awkwardly in my seat. "I can see your smile and the way you look at her."

Okay, I definitely can't control my facial expressions.

"Also they day in detention when she told me she was with her mom. She was with you. I knew she was lying."

What? Even I can't tell when she's lying and I know her better then he does.


"There was dirt on the bottom of her shirt, just like your jeans. I have a good attention for detail mate." His trying his hardest not to smile but is failing miserably.

Fucking hell.

"Also Amanda saw you kissing her this morning." He adds

Fucking Amanda.

Well I did kiss her in front of everyone without hiding it so anyone could have seen us.

"I know about the bet you had with Louis. I haven't told her though." I tell him, his head falls down and he just stares at his lap.

"Yeah I'm sorry about that. That's really not a me thing to do. I dunno what I was doing. I actually quite liked her though. She's a good egg Styles, you are a lucky dude."

I nod my head instead of saying anything.

I am really lucky.

She's amazing.

"I'm planning on asking her out at some point this week." I say causing Niall to look at me like I have grown a new head. "Exclusively."

Even saying that word scares me.

"Fucking hell. Are you feeling alright?"

No, but yes at the same time.

"You can't talk. You just said the same thing about Vicky."

"Good point." He nods. "Who would have thought that we both would have had girlfriends. The single, bad boy act has disappeared hasn't it? Look at us, we are a walking, fucking cliché." He states causing us to both laugh.

I feel a little better after having a chat with Niall. We have been through a lot together in the past 8 years, so it would have been stupid to have our friendship ruined over anything like this, so I'm glad everything's cool.

"I'm really sorry about your dad man. That's really shitty. Ive always liked Dave." He shrugs.

Yeah I've always liked him too. But that's completely changed now.

"It's whatever. Me and my mom will pull through this. We have each other, that's all that matters."

"You have me too bro. You can't get rid of me that easily, your mom loves me. Maybe I can be your new step daddy." He grins raising his eyebrows and I punch him in the shoulder, shaking my head.

I'm glad Niall can makes jokes about it.

As we finish off our meals, Niall's head darts up and he looks over my shoulder towards the door.

"There's your girl." He tells me nodding his head causing me to turn around so fast that I think I may have got whiplash.

As I look I can see Riley walking though the door, closely followed by a guy I've never seen before, in a grey suit, carrying a briefcase.

Who the fuck carries a briefcase?

He looks a lot older than us. But not old enough to be her father, she doesn't have any brothers either.

But more importantly,

Who the fuck is he and why is she here with him?


Just a little chapter for you sorry it's short

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