13. Cock Blocked By Horan

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"If you don't wake up I'm going to throw cold water all over you." a mumbled voice wakes me from my sleep.

I open one of my eyes and look at the clock on my nightstand. It's 6.45am. I either forgot to set my alarm for school or I slept through it.

Either one sounds a lot like me.

"Get up Harry, your mother has made breakfast." my fathers voice echos from the hallway outside of my bedroom. "I've got to go to work now. Make sure you get to school on time and I'll see you for dinner tonight."

"Yeah okay. See you later." I say closing my eyes again.

Just 5 more minutes.

After the night I had last night, I don't even want to leave the house in case a girl decides to jump out of the bushes and give me a lecture on how much of an asshole I am.

I roll over on the bed not realising how close I was to the edge and I fall onto the floor pulling the blanket down with me.

Luckily I escaped smashing my head on the edge of the nightstand, by an inch.

Thinking about it now. Smashing my head and going to the hospital sounds a lot better then going to school.

And it's only the second day back from summer.

Fuck my life right?

I finally pick myself up and head downstairs for breakfast.

"Morning sweetie." my mother greets me as I enter the kitchen.

"Morning." I groan.

I take my normal spot on the kitchen table.

"Well someone is a grump this morning." she turns back around to finish her scrambled eggs.

"I'm a teenager mom. I'm always grumpy." I tell her.

"Don't I know it." she teases taking a sip of her coffee.

She puts down a plate of scrambled eggs on toast in front of me.

"So dad got called into work early again huh?"

"Yeah. All the systems have been down since yesterday so he has to go early to sort it out. Or he would have to stay late. I want him home for dinner. The new neighbours are coming over tonight."

I quietly groan and roll my eyes.

I mean I don't mind the new neighbours. I like Riley and everything but I just don't want this awkward dinner.

I take a bite of my food and look at my mom in disgust.

Usually her cooking is really good but she must be having an off day.



"I don't know what's wrong with you today, but if your food tonight is going to taste anything like these scrambled eggs then I'm going to pass on dinner."

"What do you mean?" She says walking back over to the stove to taste the left over scrambled eggs for herself.

As soon as she takes a bite she spits it straight back into the pan.

"That tastes vile." She tells me before taking a big gulp of her coffee, probably trying to wash the nasty taste from her mouth.

"I can't believe you tried giving your own son food poisoning." I shake my head and try to act serious. "Try not to do that tonight, I mean no pressure or anything mother." I tease, standing up from the table.

I grab a banana from the fruit bowl.

"This banana is safe right?" I raise my eyebrows at her and she smacks me playfully in the chest.

"Get ready for school idiot." she smiles.


I didn't see Riley's car when I left the house this morning so she must already be at school.

I turn off the stereo as I pull up and park in my usual spot.

I take a deep breath and mentally prepare myself before I open the door and get out of the car.

As I walk to the entrance of the building I hear someone shouting my name from behind me.


Fuck sake it's Louis.

"What's up?" I ask uninterested in talking to him, or anyone really.

He puts his hand on my shoulder. "Have you fucked that new chick yet?"


"Is it because you are getting cock blocked by Horan?"

"What?" I ask in confusion.

What the fuck is this kid talking about? Why is he so interested in my fucking sex life anyway.
I couldn't give a fuck who he is banging every week.

He slicks his greasy hair back and points across the parking lot a couple of feet away.

I follow his gaze and I see Riley and Niall leaning against her car. Niall has his arm draped across her shoulder and she's laughing about something he is saying.

Why does she find him so funny?

"He isn't cock blocking me. I haven't even tried to sleep with her." I tell him.

"Not yet. But I know you will. Looks like he will get there first though." he taunts me.

"Doubtful." i scoff.

"Wanna make a bet?"

He is so fucking smug.

"No." I shake my head.

"Since when does Harry ever turn down a bet?"

He was right. He has bet me a few times in the past and Ive always agreed to it.

And I always win too.


I look over to Riley and Niall again. This time her head is resting on his shoulder.

"You fucking like her don't you?" Louis asks. "You actually fucking like her."

"No, don't be so fucking stupid." I say rolling my eyes.

I'm not completely lying.

"I mean she is pretty hot. You and Horan are close friends right?" He wraps his arm round my shoulder and whispers in my ear "Maybe he will let you know how she tastes."

The thought of that makes me feel fucking sick and I swear a little bit of vomit came up.

Thinking about Riley sleeping with Niall drives a pang of jealousy through my body.

"What's wrong Styles, jealous?"

"Fuck no." I lie.

He raises his eyebrow at me. "So you don't mind if he fucks her first then?"

I swallow hard and I say the words that I'm instantly going to regret for the rest of my life.

"Fine. You got yourself a bet."

A/N oh dear Harry.
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