15. Which One Should I Wear?

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Knock, knock, knock

The pounding on the door wakes me up.

To be honest I didn't even realise I fell asleep.

I look at my watch it's 7.30pm on a Friday night. Dad is at work still and my mother went out somewhere like an hour ago.

Anyone else that's normal is out. Or getting ready to go out.

Knock, knock, knock

"Alright I'm coming!" I shout walking towards the door.

Once I open the door a slightly panicked Riley greets me.

"Oh Harry thank god you are in." She says as she rushes past me, carrying what looks like pieces of clothing. She stops in her tracks in an instant and turns to face me as I shut the door. "Oh how rude of me, I just invited myself in. I'm really sorry."

There she goes being all nice and polite again.

I shake my head."Don't worry about it. Why are you banging on the door like a hooligan anyway?"

"I rang the doorbell 3 times but you didn't answer. Then I thought you may have your headphones in and you can't hear me. Or you may have gone on one of those half naked runs that you love doing so much." She giggles slightly. "Or you could have been in your back yard cleaning the bushes or something. So I sat down for a couple of minutes. Next I tried knocking on the door. Bet you didn't think a little girl like me could knock so loud huh?"

She puts up her arms and tries to flex to show off her non existent muscles. "Guns of steel huh Harry?" She winks and puts her arm back down. "It worked though because you answered, so yay."

Well that was really cute.

I smile and shake my head. "I was asleep." I say when I finally get to speak.

"I'm so sorry that I woke you up Harry. I'll just get out of your hair, I'm sorry to bother you." she brushes past me but I grab her wrist to stop her.

"It's fine." I say as her eyes lock on mine. "Would you like a drink or something?" I walk into the kitchen and grab 2 cartons of juice from the fridge. I hand one over to Riley but she shakes her head.

"Did you come over For a reason or do you just love seeing my face?" I tease her.

She fiddles with her hearing aid for a couple of seconds before focusing her attention back on me." Sorry Harry you are going to have to speak up. This hearing aid is giving me some problems. I think I might have to get a new one."

I smile at her. "Did you need something?" I say a little louder this time.

"Mmhhmm." she holds up the pieces of clothing that have been draped over her arm since she came here. "Which one should I wear?"

Is she being serious right now? She was beating down my front door to ask me what she should wear?


"Why would you ask me this and not your mom?"

"Well for one, my mom went out with your mom so she isn't home."

Oh shit that's right. Ever since the dinner my mom and Audrey have become quite close. It's quite nice for my mom really. With my dad at work early in the morning and not coming home till really late, she hasn't left the house other then going to work herself.

The Girl Next Door ( H.S ) (Postponed)Where stories live. Discover now