21. Thai Green Curry

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It's Thursday and ever since I came back from school, I've been sitting at home in front of the tv watching 2 broke girls.

That's right. I've dedicated my life to this shit now. I'm in too deep.

I've been binge watching it for like 3 hours or something like that.

Where the fuck has my social life disappeared too? I've been asking myself that for a while now.

"Mom?" I yell as pause the tv mid episode. "What's for dinner?" My stomach is rumbling. I hope it's something good.

When my mother doesn't answer. I get up and go search for her. She's possibly doing some gardening or whatever she does when she isn't at work. I look around the house for a bit. "Mom?" I keep yelling. But she's nowhere to be found.

Great. Now I'm going to have to make my own dinner. I can't even make toast without burning it.

Fuck it. I'll order take out. At least there will be a possibility I won't die of food poisoning then.

Just as I am about to pick my phone up from the table it vibrates.

Hey rockstar :)
Your mom is at my house. She's helping me make a Thai green curry.
My mom was wondering if you wanted to join us for dinner? Xx

So that's where my mother is.

Thanks for telling me. Really appreciate it.

I can sit here watching tv, waiting for take out or I can go over there to eat some good food.

Hmm, 2 broke girls or Riley?

Kat Dennings, that's Max's real name, I googled that earlier, or Riley?

Obvious answer really.

You better make it the best Thai green curry that you have ever cooked if you want to impress me ;). I'll be over in 20 minutes just going to take a quick shower xx

Only the best for you babe ;) xx

She just called me babe and I didn't even cringe. Surprisingly I found it quite nice coming from her.


"I can't believe you was going to leave me at home to cook for myself, did you want the house to burn down?" I tell my mum as I stand in the kitchen watching her and Riley cooking.

She nudges Riley a little with her elbow. "Always a drama queen this one. He doesn't get that from me I'll tell you that much."

Riley smiles then focuses her attention on me when I begin to defend myself. "Ohh, coming from the woman who woke me up in the middle of the night, panicking, nearly in tears, asking me to come kill a spider. Which by the way she said was the size of her fist" I begin to laugh. "I drag my ass out of bed to go help her and do you know what? It wasn't even a spider it was a rolled up black sock that was in the corner of her room. You know a spider has legs mom. Eight of them in fact, not just a body." I tease.

"I was tired. There was threads hanging off it. Do you know what Harry? Shut up." she says whilst trying not to smile.

I throw my hands up in the air. "Hey you started it." I grin.

"Go and make yourself useful for a change and help Megan set the table."

I roll my eyes playfully and walk over to the dinning table.

"Hey Harry." Megan says as she puts the placemats down on the table.

"Hey Meg. Would you like some help?"
I ask her politely.

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