58. I Like You For You

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"This is the second time I've beaten you." Megan smirks up at me.

"I'm letting you win." I tell her. I'm really not but I don't want to admit I'm losing to a 6 year old.

"You're not very good at this game are you?" She says poking her tongue out at me.

I poke my tongue back at her and playfully elbow her in the side to distract her from winning for the third time.

"Yes I win." I shout slamming the control pad against the cushion. Victory is finally mine.

"You cheated." She shouts making me chuckle.

"Did not." I gasp holding my hand on my chest. "How could you accuse me of such a crime?"

"Did too, you cheeky monkey." She says poking me in the side of my ribs with her little finger.

"You're just a sore loser Princess."

Today I have learnt that I am the worst at mario kart. Although if it was a real life game I would be amazing at it.

I've been sitting here playing games with Megan for the past hour. I offered to babysit while Audrey took Riley for a check up appointment at the doctors.

"Harry, do you have any brothers or sisters?" Megan asks me while she watches some video she loaded up on YouTube. Its some kid opening surprise eggs and Megan is loving it for some weird reason.

"No." I tell her shaking my head. "It's just me." That's a lie considering my father has knocked someone up but I'm not going to go into those details with a child.


"What made you ask me that?" I question her, even though my eyes are glued to the coloured eggs on the TV and I find myself wanting to know what's in the damn things..

"You would be the best big brother in the world." She tells me and my heart instantly turns into a puddle of goo. That's genuinely the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me and it's coming from a kid that I barely even know.

"You think so?"

She nods her head. "I know you will." She says testing her head on my arm as she continues to watch the TV and within minutes she has fallen asleep.

"Thanks Megan." I quietly whisper. I think that's exactly what I needed to hear.


"Hey Harry." A voice startles me awake and my eyes pop open. I notice that Megan isn't beside me anymore so she must have woken up.

"Hey," I say sitting up and wiping the sleep from my eyes. "I didn't realize I fell asleep I'm really sorry.." I say trying to apologize for my poor lack of babysitting skills.

"Don't worry about it." Audrey reassures me. "Looking after kids is tiring, I understand."

"Err yeah." I hesitate. "Actually Megan wasnt any trouble. In fact I had alot of fun."

"Well, maybe you should babysit more often then." She says laughing. "Riley's upstairs."

"Can I go..." I begin to ask for permission to go find her before Audrey cuts me off. I've never had to ask anyones parents permission before and I find this super weird. Haven't quite got used to all this new relationship type stuff yet.

"You don't have to ask Harry. She's a little upset though so just prepare yourself, she can get very emotional."

What? I don't know if I should be worried.

Yes I should be. My girlfriend is upset and I should be worried.

"She will be okay..." Audrey continues as she observes the panic on my face. "Just go talk to her."

The Girl Next Door ( H.S ) (Postponed)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora