37. Welcome Home Party

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"Mitch, open the fucking door!" I yell, smacking my fist against the wood hoping it will wake him up.

He never usually wakes up before 10am and he is going to be so pissed at me but I couldn't care less right now.

"Mitch!" I continue pounding at the door.

Finally I hear the sound of the chain being unlocked and the door slowly opens.

"Harry? What the fuck bro?" He says to me through squinted eyes.

His hair is a lot longer then last time I saw him and he has grown a beard to go with it.

I push past him, walking into his apartment.

"Oh nice to see you too, come in why don't you?" Mitch says sarcastically shaking his head.

"Since when do I need permission to come in?"

"Since I haven't seen you in at least 6 months and you show up at my door at god knows what time. Shouldn't you be at school or something?"

"And you care about my well being now? Oh how things have changed Mitch." I laugh lightly taking a seat on the sofa.

"What's wrong?" He asks taking a seat opposite me, taking a cigarette out of the box on the table, offering me one but I pass.

"What makes you think something is wrong?"

"You only ever come here to get drunk and high, usually when you're pissed off. Is it your parents again?" He lights up the cigarette in his hand, taking a pull.

"I don't want to talk about it?" I sigh, leaning back on the couch.

Mitch rolls his eyes but doesn't say a word. That's what I like about him the most. He won't  make me tell him what my problem is, he will just help me forget it.

Mitch was an old friend from my neighbourhood, before he moved into his own apartment an hour away from where I live. He is a few years older than me to, so you can imagine my parents reaction when they found out their 16year old son was hanging out with someone 5 years older, getting drunk and high all the time and getting into trouble.

After I was taken home by the police one night, my parents forbid me to see Mitch again, but against their wishes I still snuck out to his apartment sometimes.

After a while though I just lost interest. My attitude had completely changed and I hadn't seen him in months, until today.

"Mitch? Where did you go?" A girls voice calls out from the next room catching me by surprise.

"Whose that?" I question.

Oh my god, has he gone soft after all these months and actually got himself a girlfriend?

My eyes dart up to look at the girl when she walks into the room. She is wearing nothing other than her panties.

Fucking hell.

She makes eye contact with me and smiles, flicking her long blonde hair behind her shoulder.

"Harry this is..erm..this is-" he struggles to say.

"April." She cuts him off, rolling her eyes.

"April, that's it. Harry this is April, April this is Harry."

"Nice to meet you." I say politely.

"You too." She's says before turning around back into the bedroom.

The Girl Next Door ( H.S ) (Postponed)Where stories live. Discover now