47. Should Have Practiced Climbing Trees

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"Please open the door, please open the door." I mumble quietly to myself standing on Riley's front porch waiting for the door to open but receiving no response. I ring the doorbell a couple more times before I sigh in defeat.

Stepping back onto the front yard, I look up at her bedroom window. The light is on so she must be in there somewhere. Maybe she can't hear the doorbell?

I groan at myself for even thinking about climbing that damn tree and across the deathly ledge to her window. Not only is there a chance that I will possibly fall and break my legs but also if she sees me standing outside her window I'm going to look like a creepy pervert.

Or could she think it's romantic?

Fuck it I'll do it.

Here goes nothing.

I struggle to even climb the fucking tree and I haven't got to the hardest part yet. I should have practiced climbing trees more as a child or I wouldn't be having such a difficult time now.

Jumping from the ledge to the tree was one thing but jumping from the tree to the ledge is going to be fucking impossible.

I don't think before I do stupid shit.


One of my hands is tightly gripping to the tree as I move my other to hold onto the ledge of her roof, I finally get my fingertips on it when I hear Riley call my name, scaring the shit out of me and I've never hugged a tree so fucking tightly in my life.

"Harry?" She questions with a hint of laughter in her tone. "What are you doing?"

"Erm...I was just going to..." oh my god I look and sound so fucking stupid right now.

Once I compose myself I gradually climb down the tree to safer ground casually stumbling after my shoe gets caught on the last branch, but luckily I don't fall over.

"Hi." She greets me with a huge grin on her face as I walk over to her. She's standing with her arms folded across her chest, looking highly amused.

I might have looked like an idiot but I'm actually thanking her on the inside for the fact that I didn't have to climb on to the roof.

"I was attempting to climb and knock on your window, you didn't answer the door when I knocked." I tell her.

"Oh sorry I was in the shower I must not have heard it. Usually the light flickers when the doorbell goes off if I'm home on my own. Maybe my mom forgot to set it today. I didn't expect to see you already or even at all." Riley jokes waiting for me to smile but I don't respond. "By the look on your face I'm guessing it didn't go well with your parents?"

I look down at the floor and let out a huge breath.

"Are you okay?" She asks placing her small, delicate hand on my shoulder.

I don't look up and just shake my head in response.

"Come inside we can talk about it, if you like? Or not, we can just-" she begins to say before i catch her by surprise, cutting her off by pressing my lips against hers.

She responds almost immediately wrapping her arms around my neck as my hands snake around her waist pulling her closer, deepening the embrace.

Every time I kiss her, it's like I lose all of my senses, all of my thoughts and feelings disappear and I love that. She's the only girl that's ever had that this type of effect on me and no matter how much it terrifies me that she has the control, it also calms me making me feel good.

Does this fucking mushy shit make sense? I dunno how to even describe all the things she makes me feel.

"Come inside." She whispers, pulling away from the kiss, taking me by the hand and leading me inside her house.

Once she shuts her door behind us, she tells me to sit on the sofa as she walks into the kitchen. She's very polite so i know she's going to offer me a drink.

"Harry, would you like a tea? Or there's coffee, water-" she asks poking her head out of the kitchen door.

Told you.

"No thank you I'm good."

"Are you sure? Sheldon Cooper always taught me that if someone is sad, you should make them a hot beverage." She grins stupidly and I smile at her cuteness.

I also love the fact she watches just as many tv shows as I do.

"I'm okay. I promise." I reassure her.

"Okay, if you're sure." She takes a seat next to me, running her hand in between mine that are placed on my lap. "Do you want to talk about what happened or do you want to watch a movie or something? You don't have to tell me anything."

"Erm.." I swallow trying to find the right words to say. I still can't believe this whole shit with my dad is real and not some stupid joke that everyone is a part of, making me look like a fool for a new tv show or something as ridiculous.

To be fair though I would rather it be a joke, rather than face the reality of it being real and potentially destroying mine and my mothers lives.

"My dad had an affair." I tell her, my body tensing as I look down at my lap just staring at her little hand in mine.

I little gasp escapes her mouth and I know that was the last thing she thought I would ever say.

My mom always spoke highly of my father around Riley and Audrey. She made him out to be the best father and husband in the world. Which I thought he was, until about an hour ago where he destroyed every possible nice thought I had about him.

"Oh my god Harry, I'm so sorry." She says as her hands grip mine tighter, in a comforting way and I already feel my shoulders relax a little.

"Yeah that's not all. He also, Erm.." I struggle to even say it. "He is having a baby with the other woman."

Without saying anything Riley moves closer to me, wrapping her arm over my shoulder, giving me a cuddle. "Would you like me to cuss him out or?" She jokes trying to lighten the mood and I actually laugh. "I know great curse words, there was a lot thrown about by my mother when my dad did the same thing."

I finally pick my head up to look at her beautiful face.

"I just want you to know that whatever happens I'll always be here for you. Me, my mom and Megan went through the same sort of thing so I know exactly how you feel. I will also be here if you don't want to talk about it and you just want to watch two broke girls or titanic."

That's exactly what I need to hear.

She knows me so well.

I just watch her lips as she speaks. The way the corners of her mouth turn up when she smiles. The way her tongue darts out to moisten her perfect plump lips.

I've known this girl for a few weeks and I'm completely smitten.

That's crazy shit.

Scary but amazing at the same time.

I would have slapped myself if I thought about all this nonsense over a month ago.

Now look at me.

What has she done?

I move my hand to her face, rubbing the pad of my thumb across her check before I lean in and kiss her.

I push her back gently against the sofa so I'm hoovering above her as we kiss.

For once I'm not nervous or afraid of what's going to happen.

I'm calm and relaxed.

I'm going to enjoy every single moment of this, every single inch of her.

This is it.


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