23. Giant Purple Unicorn

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"Come on, it's just up here." I tell her as I help her up the little hill.

"I don't think I'm wearing the right footwear for this Harry. You should have warned me about the trek up the hill." she says a little out of breath.

"It's like the smallest hill, it's just on the other side. Hop on." I bend down so she can jump on my back. " I'll take you the rest of the way."

She jumps on my back wrapping her arms around my neck and I grab onto her legs to hold her up.

After a 5 minute walk we have nearly arrived at our destination and I gently place her back down on the ground.

I put my hand over her eyes and guide her to see the view.

"What are you doing?" She asks holding out her arms to help steady herself.

"Sshhh we are almost there it's just around this bush." I walk her around the bush and take my hands off her eyes. I lean in to whisper in her ear "Surprise."

Her eyes go wide and her mouth drops open once she sees the brightly coloured lights before her "Oh my god Harry. Is that a carnival?"

"It is." grin.

"How did you know?"

"I asked your mom." I tell her.

"You did?"

"Well when google wasn't giving me any decent ideas. I thought why not ask your mom since she knows you the most. She told me you loved carnivals and it was your favourite thing to do. She also said that your dad used to take you and Megan to one every year, but since he hasn't been around you haven't been able to go. I asked her about 10 times if taking you here was a good idea and she said you would love it. So here we are."

"I do, I love it. Thank you so much." she stands on her tiptoes and kisses me on the lips.

Thank fuck for that.

I was absolutely shitting myself.

Now I can relax a little bit.

"Race you to the Ferris wheel." she giggles as she runs away.

That giggle will be the death of me.


We buy a bunch of tickets for the attractions but before we get to the Ferris wheel Riley stops at a game booth and focuses her eyes on the giant, purple unicorn hanging up under the tent.

"You like unicorns?" I question.

"Mhmmm." she nods her head repeatedly. "I actually cried when my mom told me they were mythical and I couldn't buy one."

"That's cute."

Why is she this fucking cute all the time?

Now I have to win her a fucking unicorn, don't I?

"I'm not going to be any good at this but for you, I'll give it a try."

The aim of the game was to throw 3 balls into a giant bucket. But the buckets were tilted to a certain degree and to win the giant teddy the balls had to stay in the bucket without any of them bouncing or rolling out.

Sounds a lot fucking easier then it looks trust me.

I give the guy the appropriate amount of tickets for a go.

The first ball stays in the bucket.

Okay that's the easy part.

I throw the second ball, I manage to get it in the bucket but the first ball rolls out in the process.

The Girl Next Door ( H.S ) (Postponed)Where stories live. Discover now