18. There Is Always An Exception To The Rule

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It's Sunday evening and I'm laying down on my sofa, flicking through shitty tv channels trying to find something decent to watch.

I've been doing this for about 10 minutes now and I've found absolutely nothing as per usual.

I finally settle for a programme about 2 waitresses in a diner. Ones blonde and skinny, definitely not for me and the other is brunette with huge boobs, that's more like it.

This is actually making me laugh, plus max is hot so it's definitely a win.

As I'm reaching over for the bag of potato chips my phone vibrates on the table.

I pick it up, quickly looking at it thinking it would be Niall telling me how his lunch date with Riley went.

Since our kiss at the party the other night, I've not seen or spoken to her.

Niall has been boasting to me that he had scored another date with her. Which was for lunch today.

One new message

Hey xx

I look at the message for a minute wondering who it could be. I try to think of every girl I have given my number to recently and never thought about saving theirs.

Hello xx

How are you? Xx

Am I supposed to know who this is?

Maybe it's Amanda, I know I've never saved her number in my contacts.

I'll be okay once you tell me who you are xx

Want to take a guess? Xx

I roll my eyes, I'm not really in the mood to play games, but whatever.

Give me a clue x

I live in the same neighbourhood as you xx

Well it's definitely not Amanda then. She lives like half an hour away, thankfully.
Just as I'm about to text back another message comes through.

Do you fancy a double chocolate milkshake? Xx

It's Riley.

Definitely not, those are nothing but trouble xx

Hey Riley xx

How did you get my number? Xx

I stole it from Niall's phone whilst he was in the toilet xx

He must trust me. What kind of boy would leave their phone with a woman, especially one they are trying to date? Xx

She has got a point. I never leave my phone. I even take it to the toilet with me. I mean I have nothing to hide, not like I have anyone to hide anything from but it's just a habit to take it wherever I go.

How did your second date go? Xx

It was nice. We had lunch on a boat xx

Wow Niall is definitely trying his hardest to impress her.

That's cool xx

Yeah, though I started to get a little sea sick, I was very close to vomiting all over my shoes Xx

She just doesn't care about things she says, does she? She's really not shy to express herself. I really like that though. That's a turn on for me.

The Girl Next Door ( H.S ) (Postponed)Where stories live. Discover now