Let Me Down Slowly (Ron x Lavender)

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"What do you mean, Won-Won?" Lavender asks me after I tell her we need to talk. "I mean what I said, We need to talk." I don't wait on her response before exiting the common room, my eyes gluing themselves to the Slytherin and Hermione's forms until they are out of sight. It's not until I hit the hallway do I realize I actually left the common room instead of  causing what I'm sure will be a great fight in-front of the one person who actually needed to hear this. The common room door opens behind me a few moments later and Lavender steps out into the hall, a dark look gracing her face... I'm not surprised though. I've been a prat to her lately. "Who do you think you are? Ordering me around like that? I'm your girlfriend. I am your equal." She spats at me, all traces of her usually bubbly personality gone. "Maybe I don't want you to be my girlfriend, Lavender? Maybe I want Hermione but she started seeing that damn snake so I can't have her now." My words come out in an almost shout, I know they will be able to hear me from the common room. 

"I knew it, Ron. I knew I had a right to be jealous of her, yet, everyone treated me like I was stupid because 'It's just Hermione.'.. and they we're right. She was 'Just Hermione', until she pulled Zabini. Now she's Granger, and Granger is someone I should have known better than to let you around." Lavender isn't afraid to raise her voice either I guess. "How about you shut up about that bloody Slytherin and admit the truth to yourself? Yeah? Hermione didn't change, I did. I don't care about what she looks like or that all she does is read... Unlike some of us vanity isn't everything. It took her dating Lee, and now Zabini before I realized it... and a slap upside the head from Harry... but, Hermione. I'm in love with her." People are starting to hear us arguing at this point, and several people have begun to exit the common room to see what's going on, Hermione and Zabini being near the front. "Then, I feel bad for that poor girl. You've got the emotional range of a troll, and you act like one too... I can't believe I let myself fall for you." 

Lavenders words cut through me like a knife, each one cutting deeper and deeper until the knife finally hit bone. "You know what, Lavender? Why don't I enlighten our little audience of a little secret of yours?" I'm bluffing, but, she doesn't need to know that. Before Lavender can reply, Hermione's voice finally cuts across the tension between the two of us, and, It's not going to be pretty. "That's enough, Ronald." Hermione shoots Lavender a sympathetic look before stepping forward and approaching me. "Is it, Hermione?" I can see her tense at my voice and I know I've struck a nerve with her. "Yes, Ron, It's been bloody more than enough. I don't want to hear my name and the word love come out of your mouth in the same bloody sentence again. You had your chance with me before the yule ball last year, but, you chose to not take it. I moved on from the crush I had on you. I've dated George, Lee, and now I'm with Blaise... You need to stop acting like I'm your possession and like you just have a right to me, because you don't." 

"Does it not matter to you that I'm in love with you?" I ask her, you can hear the hurt in my voice. "No, It doesn't, Weasley. You had your chance with her and you bloody well fucked it up. You fucked it up so bad  your own brother tried his damnedest to fix her. If not for George bloody Weasley, she would still be hung up on you. He helped her get over you, and Lee helped her get over the him, and now I'm helping her let go of all the hurt she brought from her relationship with Lee... You're long gone from that part of her life, Weasley. Accept it." Zabinis words hurt worse than a cruciatus curse, they have this power over me that I never knew words had... They put me in physical pain. I could fell it all, all the hurt I put Hermione through, and the hurt I put Lavender through, all the pain I had caused over the last year and a half came rushing over me... It's enough to put me on my knees, and to draw tears from my eyes. "I'm sorry." Is all I can manage to say, my eyes meeting Hermione's... then Lavenders. 

She didn't let me down slowly, she let me crash...


 That's exactly what I needed to wake up and see what was right in front of me...


(Let me know what you think down in the comments!)

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