Hermione Roses and Lily Flowers

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When looking in on the Evans family, one would never suspect anything unusual going on with any member of the seemingly perfect family. 

Thomas Evans, the hard working man of the house, is of average height with pin-straight  blonde hair that surrounds his head like a halo in the sunlight and striking deep green pools for eyes. He's the kind of man who you could tell broke a few hearts in his glory days, before he was married with three children.

Mary Jane Evans, the ever faithful homemaker, was rather on the short side with long wavy auburn locks that danced in the wind and light blue eyes that reminded those who looked into them of the sky on a sunny day. She's the type of woman who has men stopping in their tracks to take a first glance at her... And then a second.

The two married in Spring of 1964, the both of them only twenty two years of age, and moved into a small house townhouse in Cokeworth, England.

The first two years of their marriage they spent in each other's company, learning the in's and outs of married life.

In early 1967, Thomas and Mary welcomed their first born child into the world.

Little Miss Petunia Daisy Evans.

Petunia was a beautiful baby to behold, she inherited her father's near glowing blonde hair and her eyes were a blue green combination that could only be described as rain in the spring.

Life in the Evans household was happy, and accident free, for the next two years...

Right up until the day Mrs Evans discovered her unplanned pregnancy in early June of 1969.

The Evans household spent the next eight months preparing and waiting in anticipation for the arrival of their newest addition...

...only to receive the shock of a lifetime when on January 30th, 1970, Mary Jane Evans gave birth to twin daughters.

The Evans twins captured attention with much more ease than their older sister had.

Though Petunia was a beautiful baby indeed, something about her sisters set them apart.

The Evans twins came from the womb with a full head of auburn hair each, one pin-straight and one a curly mane.

They weren't identical, but they were indeed very similar.

The only identical thing the sisters possessed was their eyes, each as green as their fathers.

As the girls began to grow, things at the Evans household began to change rapidly.

When they reached the age of two, the twins began to show signs of abnormality, something their mother claimed made them special.

No matter what miracle her daughters were preforming, she viewed it as a gift from God and praised him for their blessings.

The older the twins grew, the more their parents began to notice set them apart from their sister.

While Petunia preferred to stay indoors and play with her dolls, Hermione and Lily preferred to be among the trees and sunshine at the local park.

While at said park, Lily and Hermione eventually each met their respective best friends.

Lily fell into step quickly with a lanky raven headed boy named Severus Snape.

Hermione found friendship in a scarred quiet boy named Remus Lupin.

While Lily and Severus climbed to the treetops and went on their own adventures, Hermione and Remus sat at the roots submerged in their respective novels.

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