Fight Plan

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"I know we haven't always been on the nicest of terms, but we are in a dire situation," Ink tells everyone. "Dream isn't in his right mind. We can see that with Nightmare's panic attack and Calli bringing him back in a passive form."

"The Dream we know would stay positive and fight the darkness, this time he let the darkness consume him," Calli added.

"No matter the differences, he is still my brother, my own blood," Nightmare spoke up.

"What are we supposed to do? We never worked together! We don't even know what Dream can do if he is how you say he is," Killer said as he put an arm around Outer.

"If you listen to me then we might be able to!" Nightmare growled.

"Sorry to say Nighty, but you are less intimitating like this," Horror chuckled as he cuddled Lust.

"But I'm not. You all can listen to me and trust as I say,"Calli took the lead. "I watched Dream crumble right in front of me, I watched how Nightmare has changed his views. But I don't want to watch our world go into termoil."

"She might not be ideal, but I trust that she can shorten this war and protect everyone," Drake grinned.

"If we win, remind me to kill you," Calli sighed. "Ink, what are your thoughts on plan of attack?"

"First off, we need to find out where Dream went. If I could guess, he went to the Anti-Void somewhere."

"He could easily plan his attack there," Nightmare confermed. "But I have a feeling he isn't there, and will be in an AU by then."

"Let us know if you can, Nightmare. I can put Blue in charge of our main strategy when we find him." Blue nodded. "Then we can have Remorse, Killer, Cross, and Drake as backup if Nightmare and Calli can't get him to calm down. Blue, Red, Horror, Outer, and I could stay to the side if something bad doesn't go to plan."

"ExcUsE me iNky, buT yOu aReN't goiNg to fIghT," Error overruled Ink.

"Why not? Dream is my friend!" Ink argued.

"YoU knoW exActlY wHy. I'm nOt goiNg aRounD to See yOu huRt."

"Mind spilling the tea?" Red asked, confused.

"It's not important now."

"ActUalLy, wE-"

"We will share later." Ink sighed as he got back on topic, "Since someone won't let me fight, Error will take my place. Everyone else can be stationed where needed."

"We won't let you down!" Blue grinned.

Dust gave Blue a kiss, "I know you won't let anyone down."

"Babe, stop it," Blue giggled.

"Oh please continue~" Lust chuckled.

"Not the time Lust!"


"Dream!" Calli shouted. Dream had Zephyr caught in one of his tenicles.

"Calli and Nightmare... I'm sure you two thought of my offer," Dream chuckled.

"We have thought about it," Calli looked at Nightmare.

"And we don't want you to continue with this. This isn't you, this isn't my brother."

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