Valentine's Special Pt. 5

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The glow cooled down to a blue and calmed down.

Calli was holding a small, fragile babybones. The pendant was no where in sight. She sat down on the couch next to Dream and Ink kneeled in front of them. All three looking at the child.

"He looks just like you," Ink told Dream.

Calli looked up at the other two, "do you guys want to meet our newest add on?" She giggled.

Nightmare and Galaxy came closer. The two smiled at each other and then to the four skeletons in front of them.

"This is one Valentine's day to remember in our books," Nightmare chuckled.

"The question is, how do we tell everyone?" Dream asked. "We can't just hide him and sneak him out of here."

"I have a plan!" Ink grabbed a random platform (just a normal table) and stood up on it. "Everyone! I have an announcement to make!"

"Oh boy..." Nightmare sighed.

"Ink, keep your voice down!" Calli huffed.

Ink gave an apologetic wave to the mini group and turned back to the others. "As you know~ Dream hasn't been feeling all to well."

"Yeah, and I thought you were worried!" Someone shouted.

"I was, until I found out the reason. As you all remember, Dream recieved a strange pendant. It had magic to combine two separate being's magic into a child, henceforth, combining mine and his magic."

"WhaT dO yOu mEaN cOmbiNe yOuR's anD hIs mAgic?"

"Exactly that Error, technically, Dream and I have made a child accidentally," Ink stood proudly.

"Pfft, if he becomes as oblivious as Ink, we might have some issues later on," Calli joked quietly, making Dream chuckle.

"AcciDentALly? WhAt tHe fLyiNg fUnk Ink?" Error growled. "StoP fUnkiNg sEnsoRinG mE!"

"#Sorrynotsorry broski."

"I believe the purpose was to combine mine and Calli's magic, but it took Ink's instead," Dream told the group as he stood up. "Don't blame him for this. Besides," he turns to Calli, "I have the best person to help me raise my babybones."

"Awe, Dream~ don't make me blush!" Calli joked. Dream laughed and took the child into his own arms to let Calli stand.

"What about a name?" Abyss called out.

The three skeletons looked at eachother. That was the one thing they never thought about. Calli looked back at the others and locked eyes with Drake.

"Palette," Calli muttered. She looked at Dream. "We name him Palette."

"You sure?" He asked her. She nodded. "Then Palette it is."

As if to reply to hearing his new name, Palette a small sound from where he layed in Dream's arms.

Ink climbed down from the table and smiled at the little skeleton. "Palette is a great name." Palette let out a slight giggle when Ink tickled his chin.

"His eyes are stars! How cute," Calli cooed.

"YoU aRe goIng to MakE pJ jeAloUs iF yOu faWn oVer pAllEtte tOo muCh," Error chuckled as he handed Ink his son.

"Don't plan on it!" Ink stated. "Actually~ Error, now that this has happened, I've been meaning to talk to you about something~"

"Don'T tEll Me..."

"Yes, I want another child!"

"AaaaaAnd I'm goNe." Error walked away with his hands in the air.

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