Old Times Pt. 2

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"Thanks again, Grillby, you would think he would have gotten rid of this habit." Calli began to pick up her drunk brother.

"It's really no problem. Just be glad Nova noticed him in the corner back there. I don't think he'll be to kind to have a hangover and have to call me to let him out after hours," Grillby sighed. "And you know I would have called Frisk, but I'm sure she doesn't need the extra stress of her husband in this state."

"Completely understand, don't worry about it. Hey, don't forget the sleep over is this weekend. I'm sure Azzy and Nova would hate to miss out a time to hang with Drake."

Grillby gave a soft chuckle. "Those kids are stuck together at the hip I swear."

"That's what you get for having such a small yet close friend group," Calli giggled. "Alright, I'm off to drop off my brother."

"Oh Calli, if you could, bring some herbs for Tori when available. I'm sure she would enjoy something that isn't from the restaurant." Calli gave a nod before teleporting both her and her brother back to his place.

"Look's like the comedian drank himself to sleep again. That's what, the third time this week?" Kara huffed.

"Your father may not be the best father out there, but he does care.... I think," Calli said the last part quietly, receiving an 'uh huh' from Kara. Calli left Sans on the couch and went towards the other skeleton. "If I were you, I would be grateful that I received a second chance at life. It's not every day that something like this happens."

"Second chance? He used his own child to imprison me."

"My brother is an odd one, especially since dad..." Calli sighed, not sure how to help Kara.

"Can we just go to Geno's place?" Kara huff. "I could let loose some steam." Calli looked over at Sans and then back to Kara before nodding. She took Kara's hand and teleported off to the forest where she  emptied a bit of paint onto the ground.

Moments later, Ink popped out of the portal with a grin. "Sup Jen! You too Drake." Kara grumbled slightly. "Ready to go?"

"As always, he wants to go relieve some steam." Ink's smile grew bigger. The skeleton opened a portal and gestured the other two through.

Geno perked up at the sound of a portal opening and he walked towards the sound. A smile applied to his face seeing Jen and Kara. "Hey there, what's up?"

"A big old void last I checked," Jen chuckled, getting a snort from the other.

"Have fun! You know how to reach me when you want to go back," Ink smiled as he opened another portal. Before he could do anything, Kara snatched Ink's brush and hopped through the portal, leading it to close right behind him. "Now that was uncalled for-"

"Shit, Kara!" Calli started to panic. "That must have been their plan all along!"

"What are you talking about?"

"That's not Drake, Geno, that's Kara."

"Ink! You better have an idea to go after them." The skeleton was still staring at where the portal should be and reaching for his missing brush. "INK!"

"You say something?" He looked at the other two, which then was followed by groans.

"Kara, loose in the Multiverse, has your brush," Calli edged.

His eyes went wide, "We have to go after him!" He then proceeded to grab his brush- "huh... I think we are stuck here-"

Both Calli and Geno face palmed. "Any other way of contacting anyone to help?"

"Oh yeah! We have cell phones duh. OMG I get to use this for the first time!" The skeleton threw up ink as the other two stepped back. "What were we doing again?"

"Just give it here," Geno took the phone and scrolled through Ink's contacts. "Destruction, Positivity, Negativity, Life, Death, Retro. What the hell are these contact names?"

"Code names. Oh! You should call Death! He's chill," Ink grinned.

"Is he just chill or will he help?" Calli asked. Ink shrugged and took his phone back and clicked call.

"Heya Death! - Yeah, yeah, surprise, surprise, Hey I need you to come to the Save Screen. - That's the one. Thanks bye."

"So?" As if answering a question, a portal opened up as a skeleton in a black cloak walked through.

"Sup guys," Death smiled.

"Glad to see you, these kiddos wanna chat," Ink explained.

"Are you kidding me? Alright, Death, my pal here lost her nephew as he ran off with Ink's brush."

"And you need help because Creation forgets everything?"

"Excuse me, my name is Ink!"

"Creation. Anyways, are we going to stop this kid or what?" He said with a grin. Calli and Geno looked to each other before nodding to Death. "Creation, do you remember where you were going?"

Ink's face was blank. "When was I going to leave here? Huh... well Error's UnderNovela show should be on soon, cooking with blue and Dream," he started muttering to himself.

"This is going to be a disaster..."

"You're Death, so shouldn't you be able to tell if there's any casualties?" Geno asked.

"Well, yeah, but I haven't sensed any excess death."

"Then Kara is in an AU with no entities!" Calli smiled.

"Then why not we go pay Destruction a visit? He's the only one in his Anti-Void," Death offered as he opened a portal. "Coming, Creation?"

"Sure! Go where?" The other skeletons sighed as they went through the portal after Ink.

One word:


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