Team builder

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"What doesn't make sense is why Blue would do that to dust..." Abyss sighed. He had to take over for Blue in the medical unit, so he had to explain the situation to the two injured skeletons.

Dream sighed, "There is one thing for sure, Blue was set up... One way or another... I just thought Nightmare would be more rational about this."

"Too many pieces just don't add up."

"Listen here, that planned attack is going to be a set up as well if they go through with it. You need to take Drake, Blue, Geno, and Fresh before they make their move."

"I can't do that! I'm not that much of a fighter!"

"I would listen to him. That story doesn't rub me right and I know Blue isn't the cause," Classic stated. "I want my sister back and it won't work if we have a traitor."

"I-" Abyss nodded. "I will do it!"

"Take Mecha as well, he would be good for detecting Stream or Bolts," Dream smiled. "I'm sure you will do fine."

"I will do my best," Abyss smiled and finished up checking on the two. All he needed to do was make up his team.

"Why won't he answer..." Abyss sighed. He was trying to call Drake but...

"He will pick up in time," Geno mentioned.

"Mah Radical Drake? He must be off doin' somethin' spectacular," Fresh smiled with LOL on his glasses.

"All we need to do is get Blue then we are set."

"You didn't tell anyone the plan?" Abyss asked.

"It's chill."

"Not even Death knows."

Abyss huffed and put his cell away. "We will worry about him later, I guess... Let's take Blue and let's go."

Five minutes later

"Blue's gone!"

"What do you mean 'Blue's gone'!?" Nightmare yelled.

"MeAninG he iSn't thEre."

"Asshole..." Nightmare spat at Error. "Find him! We can't let a madman escape!"

"Will do!"

"NiGhtMarE, I thInK i fOuNd hIm," Error tried not to laugh.

"I am not a madman!"

The group entered MechaTale. They had to pick up Mecha before they tried to infiltrate the place.

"Fresh, can you go ahead and scout the location before we portal over? We won't be long here," Abyss asked.

"Already on it, broski!" Fresh went through a portal to Doodle's palace.

"Mecha is this way. He is normally home at this hour."

Abyss led Blue and Geno through the snowy forest to the back of a house. Abyss looked around before knocking on the wall, revealing a door as Mecha opened it.

"Abyss! Uh..." He looked at the other two Sanses. "Come in."

"Mecha, I need your- we need your help."

"It has important if you are asking me and using the back door," Mecha stated as he led the group to his living room.

"Dream said you would be good at detecting other bots and glitches," Geno mentioned.

"Well, I can if I update the program to such frequencies. Why would you need that info?"

"We are going after Doodle," Blue answered.

"That son of a bitch? Oh! She has something coming to her for taking my family."

"So you in?"

"Hell yeah!"

~With Drake~

A little bit closer... Drake thought to himself as he inched across a ledge.

He could hear voices coming from inside. He couldn't pick them out, but he knew they belonged to the bad side.

Drake waited until the voices dimmed before he looked inside. Seemed to be a storage room of some sort. As quietly as he could, he entered the room.

"Changing posts, head to the west wing. I will be here," a new voice mentioned to the current lookouts. The other two scurried away.

"I swear, Steams goons are so dumb," the voice chuckled. "Let's see..."

Drake peaked around a bin he was at to see Cross rummaging around the area. He was looking for something. What exactly it was, he did not know.

Drake stayed low. If Cross still worked under Steam's control, he did not want to get caught. Or did he?

He slowly approached Cross from behind. At last second, he tied up the small skeleton in red strings. ((666 words *-*))

"What the hell!? Drake?" Cross tried to get free from the entanglement. "Let me go!"

"Where are the prisoners, Cross?"

"Where is the floor that should be under my feet? Come on bro, put me down!"

"What would be something only Cross would understand?" Drake glared.

"I-I... am secretly afraid of cows..."

"What?" Drake snorted, he tried his best not to laugh. Cross crossed his arms and rolled his eyes. Drake then let go of Cross.

"Just don't share that with anyone..." Cross was deffinately embarrassed from Drake's response.

"Why would I share it if I can blackmail? Anyways, take me to find the hostages, at least to the Callis."

Cross's eyes went wide. "Th-that's suicide! That is the heaviest guarded place here! Doodle always has one of her own guarding that sector."

"And that's why I am going there with you," Drake beamed.

"Oh no, I am not going to get into trouble upfront again," Cross shuttered at the memory. "I can show you where, but I cannot help you get them out."


Heyo! So I have started updating the earlier chapters a bit. Also, soon I will be posting about the different Callis and others that you wouldn't see here! It will be my AU Calli Catalog book so I can keep track of what all I have for my girls and you guys can learn that bit more about them as well! And you can always vote for your favourite Callis!

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