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So~ as I await your kind theories I decided to write a fluf chapter of the characters that aren't in quite the havoc! But don't forget to let me know about it in the previous chapter!

Doodle Sphere

"Error, what do you imagine to be in if we were in the same world?"

"WelL, aRe'Nt wE?"

"Yes... But I meant like an AU where we actually belong to. Not in voids with no main purpose."

"It wOuLd bE prEttY dAmN boRinG," Error said as he rested his chin on Ink's head. "ThE saMe tHiNg evErY dAY... HerE, wE can wAtCH ovEr thE Aus aNd lEaRn somEThinG New. ThEy arE ouR chIldreN, a ComBinAtion oF boTh chAos AnD cReaTivItY."

"Damn," Ink chuckled.


"You, that's what. So much thought, and I thought Dream over thought simpleness!"

"Oh? You sOuLd kNow bEttEr thAn to UndEreSTimaTe mE~" Error purred as he rubbed Ink's belly.

"Oh my stars!" Ink rolled his eyes in return and smacked Error's hand away. "Can you forget about that for a minute?"

"NoPe! It's kIndA gRowN oN Ya," he chuckled.

"Just stop before I smack you again..."

"MaybE i'LL liKe tHat."


The two continued into a laughing fit, spreading the happiness throughout the Doodle Sphere.


"It's been a while Sansy~ I thought you ran off for good!"

"I was just taking a vacation in the bonezone," Lust smirked as he looked over at Horror. The two were just visiting Lust's brother for a bit before deciding where they want to stay.

"Oh~? Well, this is quite the surprise," the bystander went closer to Horror to fully check him out. "Kinda cute."

"And you look like a nice snack."

"You aren't going to make anyone here dinner, Horror," Lust chuckled.

"Babe, you know how I had to live!" Horror whined.

"Yes, but in this world it's fuck or be fucked, people might take it the wrong way."

"I mean I could use a snack~" the monster cooed as she traced Horror's jacket with her finger.

Without another second's thought, she was teleported away only leaving a small *Eep! Horror looked at Lust with a grin.

"Oh shut up," Lust stated. "You would have done the same if someone got that close to me in your AU."

"I probably would have eaten them, but you~ You're jealous aren't you?"

"Am not! Never have been."

"Babe~ you're blushing," Horror chuckled as he wrapped his arms around Lust. The later pushed away and walked off with his hands in his pockets.

"Come on babe, I was just teasin!"

"Let's just find my bro so we can go away from this place... After not being here in so long, it gives me a weird feeling."

"That's probably just you, besides we can go anywhere you want after this~"

Lust chuckled softly. He looked off in the distance toward his brother's house. The lights were on, that's a good sign. Probably home with Mettaton.

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