Flesh and Stone

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Terry quickly clambered to her feet with the Doctor as he ordered everyone sharply: "Up. Look up."

The whole group was trying to get back to their feet, disoriented after jumping when the Doctor had fired his shot.

"Are you okay?" River checked on Amy, Terry doing the same as the redhead asked confusedly: "What happened?"

"We jumped." Terry explained, and Amy frowned as she asked, baffled: "Jumped where?"

"Up. Up. Look up." The Doctor was still ordering, and Terry explained: "Where do you think?"

"I don't know." Amy answered, glancing around in confusion. "And where are we?"

"Exactly where we were." River replied, and Amy retorted: "No we're not."

"Trust me, we are." Terry reassured just as the Doctor came over, pushing Amy as he ordered: "Move your feet."

She did as she was told, still looking very confused while the Doctor bent down to point his sonic at the hatch she had been standing on. Terry glanced up grimly to check the 'ceiling', while the clerics all stared up as the Doctor had ordered.

Amy hadn't looked yet, so she was still confused as she demanded tightly: "Doctor, what am I looking at? Explain."

"Oh, come on, Amy, think." The Doctor retorted. "The ship crashed with the power still on, yeah? So what else is still on?"

"I don't know." Amy exclaimed impatiently, and Terry interjected quickly: "Amy, look up."

The redhead glanced at her friend, before doing as she said and she gasped. Terry was also staring at the Angels pensively, examining the way they stood with their arms reaching out in frustration towards the group as the entire group stood on the bottom of the Byzantium while the Angels remained on the maze ground.

"The artificial gravity." The Doctor explained as Amy gasped. "One good jump, and up we fell. Shot out the grav globe to give us an updraft, and here we are."

"Doctor, the statues." Octavian interjected worriedly. "They look more like Angels now."

The clerics had all tightened their grips on their guns as they all stared at the statues, which were all growing wings and slowly starting to restore to how an Angel looked.

"They're feeding on the radiation from the wreckage," the Doctor explained, "draining all the power from the ship, restoring themselves. Within an hour, they'll be an army."

The hatch he had been sonicing finally opened, and at the same time that it opened two of the lights on the Byzantium's hull went out.

"Doctor." Terry said quickly, and he muttered: "They're taking out the lights. Look at them." He ordered. "Look at the Angels. Into the ship, now. Quickly, all of you."

He sat down at the edge of the hatch, starting to drop himself through and Amy panicked as she demanded: "How? Terry?"

Before Terry could reply the Doctor let go of the hatch, dropping inside and Amy cried in alarm: "Doctor!"

"He's fine." Terry reassured, patting Amy's shoulder comfortingly. She wasn't convinced and peered worriedly down after the Doctor, only to find him standing sideways on the circular passageway.

"It's just a corridor." The Doctor explained. "The gravity orientates to the floor. Now, in here, all of you. Don't take your eyes off the Angels. Move, move, move."

Terry urged Amy through just as another light bulb went out on the deck, throwing them further into darkness. She then turned to River, but River simply pushed the short brunette through next before Terry could open her mouth. She landed upright – in her point of view – on the corridor floor and waited for River and the rest of the clerics to join her while the Doctor soniced a control panel further down.

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