Dinosaurs on a Spaceship 2

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Terry blinked, seeing that the other three had headed down a side alcove and into what appeared to be a laboratory of some kind. Terry quickly hurried in to see that Amy had switched the lights on, and the redhead stood with Nefertiti and Riddell before a computer.

"I pressed buttons." Amy informed the Time Lady as Terry walked up. "But I can't get this screen to turn on."

"Oh." Terry replied as she noted a small globe sitting atop the computer. "Well, it's simple, really."

She inserted the globe onto a small holder on the side of the monitor, and they all watched as it slid into the computer before the monitor fizzled to life.

"Oh, yeah." Amy smirked appreciatively, and Nefertiti asked curiously: "Did you learn to do that from the Doctor as well?"

"Well, sort of." Terry shrugged. "Watch the Doctor enough, and you know that when you enter somewhere new, press buttons. Unless you're on a spaceship filled with terrifying beasts, because then you might accidentally let them loose."

The other three's jaws dropped at that, and they stared at Amy and then back at Terry in alarm. Amy was also looking wide-eyed in terror, and Terry blinked before she realized her mistake.

"Oh, but we're fine." She quickly reassured. "Amy just turned the lights on. God, I'm sounding more and more like the Doctor." She added in a mutter as she turned back to the monitor.

"This you always sounded like the Doctor." Amy observed, and Terry shot her a look.

"But better, you know, also like Terry." Amy added quickly, and Terry rolled her eyes before turning back to the monitor, muttering: "Whatever."

"One hundred and seventeen years." A voice said from the computer, and they all perked up as Amy beamed: "Data records."

"The ship's owners?" Riddell questioned, and Amy answered: "Could be."

She began typing as she muttered: "Come on. Help us out."

"Mainly cryogenic." The voice began, while Riddell glanced back at a noise behind them. "I will continue to work-"

"How about a picture, huh?" Amy asked impatiently. "Come on, for me."

She smacked the screen, which was still fuzzy, and Terry pressed a button.

The screen started to clear as the voice continued: "Far beyond our-"

"Look!" Nefertiti said excitedly as she pointed at the images appearing on the screen. "Oh, it's beautiful."

Amy's jaw meanwhile dropped and she glanced at Terry with wide eyes as the reptilian, green-skinned alien on the screen continued: "I can't tell how far we have come."

Terry nodded back at Amy sadly, and the redhead slowly turned back to the screen as the speaker continued: "Far enough to avoid the destructive impact forecast for our planet. Far enough for me to feel a profound sense of loss."

"What is that?" Riddell asked, staring at the monitor, and both Amy and Terry replied softly: "Silurian."

"Of the fifty species loaded," the Silurian continued on screen, "only one has had any difficulty surviving. All the others are thriving, and we expect them to be able to repopulate."

"We're on an Ark." Amy realized. "A Silurian Ark."

"Lizard people herding dinosaurs onto a Space Ark?" Riddell asked incredulously. "Absolute tommyrot."

"Only an idiot denies the evidence of their own eyes." Nefertiti snapped at him, indicating the screen.

"Egyptian Queen or not," Riddell countered, "I shall put you across my knee and spank you."

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