Flesh and Stone 3

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Terry caught up to River just as the Doctor ran up behind her, taking River's mini-computer and inputting something into the device as he looked at the readings on his sonic.

River glanced back at the pair, nodding at Terry briefly before watching the Doctor.

"What's that?" She asked curiously.

"Er, readings from a crack in the wall." The Doctor replied absently as he read the computer while the four walked carefully through the forest, Octavian keeping an eye out for Angels.

"How can a crack in the wall be the end of the universe?" River asked.

She glanced at Terry for answers, but the short girl simply shook her head while the Doctor answered thoughtfully: "Don't know, but here's what I think. One day there's going to be a very big bang. So big every moment in history, past and future, will crack."

Terry glanced at him, while River asked in disbelief: "Is that possible? How?"

But the Doctor had caught Terry's look, and, realizing something behind her pensive expression, he abruptly changed topics as he asked River: "How can you be engaged, in a manner of speaking?"

He leveled a look at River, who replied pointedly: "Aren't you?"

Terry glanced at River, while the Doctor countered: "That's different. I didn't think the Bishop would be your type."

"Jealous?" Terry joked, before she blinked as the Doctor frowned while River laughed.

"Oh, I forgot how I love young you sometimes." River laughed at her, and the Doctor scowled at the blonde while Terry frowned.

"What do you mean?" She demanded, feeling put out.

This always seemed to happen when she met River for some reason- was River hinting at how they both knew how the Doctor's feelings for River would change in the future? But again, something seemed off... and Terry wasn't sure she liked it.

"Nothing, Sweetie." River chortled, while the Doctor butted in impatiently: "You're avoiding my question, River."

"Well," River drawled with a glance at Terry, "sucker for a man in uniform."

"Now, that is true." Terry commented, and River winked at her while Octavian glanced back, unimpressed.

"But it's not answering the Doctor's question truthfully, is it, River?" Terry said pointedly, and River made a face.

"What do you mean?" The Doctor asked sulkily, disliking how secretive the two women were being. This seemed to happen every time they ran into River, and he wasn't sure he liked it.

"Doctor Song's in my personal custody." Octavian piped up, and River glared at him. "I released her from the Stormcage Containment Facility four days ago, and I am legally responsible for her until she's accomplished her mission and earned her pardon."

River was glowering at Octavian, drilling holes into the back of the man's head but he ignored her as he finished flatly: "You would do well to remember on who's authority I allowed this breach, Doctor Song."

River's glare intensified, and the Doctor raised a curious brow. Terry also wondered what the Bishop meant, but the man turned away while River frowned heavily after him.

"You were in Stormcage?" The Doctor asked curiously, and River made another face, but they were interrupted as the computer chose that moment to beep.

The Doctor glanced down at the computer, and River took the opportunity to ask: "What? What is that?"

"The date." The Doctor murmured. "The date of the explosion, where the crack begins."

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