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Terry waited with Clara inside the Tardis, the Time Lady sitting on the console while Clara peered at the door impatiently.

She then jumped as the doors opened once more, and the Doctor re-entered, calling loudly through his helmet: "Back off. Hot suit."

Clara backed away, holding her hands up as though in surrender to show the Doctor she wasn't going to touch his smoking spacesuit while he stumbled inside, complaining: "Hot, hot, hot."

"When are we?" Clara asked curiously as Terry began to twirl the dials again while the Doctor stripped off the suit.

"About six billion years ago." The Doctor explained as he pulled off his helmet. "It's a Tuesday, I think."

"Wednesday; but you were close." Terry replied.

"It's Tuesday now, though." She added as she nodded to the doors as she landed them once more.


After several more pit stops, as they jumped through the Earth's whole life, Terry landed them one last time while the Doctor suited up in his spacesuit again.

"Back in a mo." The Doctor called as he walked out.

Clara just stood with tight lips and a bitter expression in her eyes as she stared at the Tardis scanner, staring as it showed the dead, volcanic Earth outside.

Terry waved to the Doctor as he closed the door behind him, before she sighed, and turned to Clara as she said: "All right. Talk to me."

"You already know what I'm upset about, don't you?" Clara demanded, turning on Terry with tears welling in her eyes, and Terry sighed again.

"Yes, Clara." She replied. "But I like to think I could have put it together even if I hadn't had my foreknowledge."

Clara pursed her lips, before she conceded that she'd been wrong to accuse Terry. It didn't make her mood any lighter, however, as she demanded: "But then, explain it to me: how are you two okay with all of this?"

It was at that moment that the Doctor returned, having taken his picture once more, and he paused as he noticed the tension between the two.

"What is it?" The Doctor asked, glancing at the Tardis. "Did the Tardis say something again?"

"No, she behaved." Terry answered as she continued to meet Clara's gaze steadily.

"Okay... then what's wrong?" The Doctor asked warily, looking between the two women. Because, they couldn't have fought, right? He'd never seen them argue; they were usually on the same page and ganging up on him if anything. Actually, most of the companions seemed to do that with Terry, it was most disgruntling. Or, it would be if Terry wasn't so adorable in his eyes most of the time.

"We've just watched the entire life cycle of Earth, birth to death." Clara stated, bringing the Doctor back to the situation at hand.

"Er, yes, yes, we did." The Doctor answered, glancing at Terry in confusion as he wondered why Clara was so upset.

"And you're okay with that?" Clara asked him incredulously, and the Doctor shrugged as he answered: "Well... yes."

"How can you be?" Clara demanded, looking from the Doctor to Clara. "Either of you?"

The Doctor shot Terry another look, completely mystified, as he answered: "The Tardis, she's time. Wibbly vortex and so on."

"That's not what I mean." Clara retorted shakily, and the Doctor asked loudly: "Okay, some help?"

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