Vincent and the Doctor 2

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The four walked briskly down the streets, the three time travellers keeping up behind Vincent as the painter led the way to his home.

As they neared the end of the street, reaching the edges of the village, the Doctor raised his head and peered up at the night sky.

"Dark night." The Doctor commented casually. "Very starry."

"Mm, though it might look better if maybe the moon were less full." Terry observed, feigning equal nonchalance.

Amy shot them both amused looks, while Vincent glanced at them and then looked back to the front, shaking his head. Clearly, he just thought they were weird – or crazy. Which was rather hilarious in and of itself, albeit in a slightly sad way.

As they walked towards the only house left, sitting at the edge of the small lane and somewhat apart from the rest of the houses, Vincent explained: "It's not much. I live on my own."

The trio barely heard him, too busy looking around with interest as Vincent led the way into the yard, towards the front of his house as he added: "But you should be okay for one night. One night."

He looked at the Doctor as he emphasized the word, and Terry said lightly: "Oh, you never know. You might like us."

"Yeah..." Vincent muttered, glancing at her skeptically before turning back to light the front lantern.

"We're going to stay with him?" Amy whispered eagerly to her friends, and the Doctor answered so that Vincent couldn't hear: "Until he paints that church."

"Or he kicks us out." Terry added, making the other two snort though they tried to suppress their amusement as Vincent lit the lantern.

"Watch out." Vincent warned, turning back to his unexpected guests as he pointed to something hanging right by his front door. "That one's wet."

He walked into his home after that, the Doctor following, but Terry stayed to observe while Amy asked after Vincent, turning to look at what he'd point at: "What?"

But Amy fell silent almost instantly, her question answered as she found herself staring right at the original painting of 'The Bedroom in Arles'.

"No way." Amy breathed, and Terry smiled.

"Yes, way." She answered, and Amy gaped at her, then the painting, and then back.

"No way." Amy gaped, and Terry chuckled.

"Come on, it's even better inside." Terry said, nudging Amy towards the front door.

The two women stepped inside Vincent's house, just as Vincent was telling the Doctor sadly, while holding up one of his paintings: "I've come to accept the only person who's going to love my paintings is me."

"Wow." Amy gasped, not even hearing Vincent she was so awed by the sight that met her eyes. "I mean, really. Wow."

Terry had to secretly agree as she looked around modest but cozy room. Hanging from every inch of space and across every inch of furniture were dozens of Vincent's paintings. Some were pieces she recognized as famous masterpieces; others she thought might be some of his earlier works that he'd kept around; and still others were ones she hadn't seen before, including a small one on the dining table of a bunch of violets.

Terry mentally noted exactly where the painting of the violets sat, while Vincent – misinterpreting Amy's awed gasp as one of horror – bemoaned as he gestured about at the paintings: "Yeah, I know it's a mess. I'll have a proper clear out. I must, I really must."

"Oh, I don't know." Terry answered in a murmur as she browsed around the room with the Doctor and Amy, each one of them admiring the different works clustered about the small home.

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