Doomsday 2

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Pete stared back at the Doctor, tensing as the Time Lord said slowly, seriously: "There is a chance, back on my world - Jackie Tyler is still alive."

"My wife died." Pete bit out, but the Doctor countered immediately: "Her husband died. Good match."

"There's more important things at stake." Pete insisted, though his eyes wavered slightly. "Doctor, help us."

"What, close the breach?" The Doctor answered as he raised his brows and stepped away. "Stop the Cybermen? Defeat the Daleks?"

The Doctor glanced at Terry, who just shrugged.

"'In order to succeed'," she quoted with a light smile, "'we must first believe that we can'."

"Nikos Kazantzakis." The Doctor noted. "Good choice; he was a good man."

"And a surprisingly good flirt." Terry added, and he shot her a look. "Sorry."

The Doctor rolled his eyes at her before looking back at Pete.

"Do you believe we can do all that?" He asked the man seriously.

Pete raised a brow in return, but his voice was firm as he answered: "Yes."

The Doctor raised his own brows before looking at Terry again, and she nodded at him.

"Maybe that's all I need." The Doctor murmured, and a smile broke across his face. "Off we go, then!"


The four reappeared in the lever room in their own world, and the Doctor informed Pete and Jake as he quickly pocketed his medallion: "First of all, I need to make a phone call. You don't mind?"

"You two, guard to door." Jake ordered his men, and the two soldiers who had been waiting inside the room quickly moved to do as they were told.

The Doctor and Terry meanwhile had hurried into Yvonne's office, where the Doctor paused as he started to dial on the phone.

"What's her number again?" He asked, and Terry sighed: "Oh, for God's sake."

She shoved the receiver at the Doctor while she punched in the number for him, and he grinned at her.

"What would I do without you?" He asked, and she answered: "Get everyone killed, apparently. I thought you remembered everything?"

"I've got to file some things away." The Doctor complained. "Besides, I've got you with me."

He then brightened as Jackie finally answered her phone, and he called: "Jackie, you're alive. Listen. Sh. Sh, sh, sh, sh, sh! Listen, tell me. Where are you?"

Terry rolled her eyes when the Doctor paused before asking: "Yeah, which one? Is there any sort of sign? Anything to identify it?"

He paused again, and then said sarcastically: "Yeah, that helps."

He paused again, before his face brightened gain as he rattled off to Terry: "North corner, staircase three."

She nodded, while the Doctor told Jackie: "Just keep low, we're trying our best. I've got to go. I'm sorry."

The Doctor hung up, and whirled on Pete as he stated: "Jacqueline Andrea Suzette Tyler."

"She's not my wife." Pete protested, shaking his head, but Terry interjected: "He was at the wedding."

"You got her name wrong." The Doctor added, looking at Pete pointedly.

Pete froze, while the Doctor dashed forward, grabbing Jake's gun as he called: "Now then, Jakey boy, if I can open up the bonding chamber on this thing, it'll work on polycarbite."

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