Vincent and the Doctor 4

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The confessional stopped moving instantly, and the trio peered out of the confessional to see Vincent standing on the far side of the church, holding up his chair and waving its wooden legs defensively.

"Come on, over here." Vincent taunted at the Krafayis as he waved his chair, presumably to ward off the beast. "Because I'm right here waiting for you."

"Come on!" Terry urged as Vincent ducked an invisible blow, and she pulled Amy and the Doctor quickly from the destroyed confessional as Vincent fended off the Krafayis.

"Vincent?" Terry called as she led the way behind the painter for safety, and he ordered: "Stay behind me!"

The Doctor aimed his sonic over Vincent's shoulder, and he asked: "Doing anything?"

"Uh uh." Vincent answered, while Terry tugged on the Doctor's arm as she called: Come on, this way!"

The Doctor and Amy followed her out of the church, Vincent bringing up the rear as he kept the beast back with his chair.

As they ran out into the church courtyard, the Doctor looked around wildly as he asked: "Where is he?"

"Where do you think he is, you idiot?" Vincent snapped as he held his chair up against the beast as it reared up in the doorway. "Use your head."

The Doctor quickly pointed his sonic at where Vincent was holding off the Krafayis, and he asked Vincent hopefully: "Anything?"

"Nothing." Vincent answered grimly. "In fact, he seemed to rather enjoy it."

"Oohh." The Doctor muttered as he pocketed his sonic, while Terry's eyes narrowed as Vincent's head turned to his left.

"Look out!" Vincent called, pushing Amy and Terry behind him once more as he turned to keep himself between the women and the circling Krafayis.

Unfortunately, the Doctor had strayed a little and was now trapped alone with the Krafayis, which he couldn't see, between him and the others.

"Duck!" Vincent yelled at the Doctor, who did as he was told. "Left!"

"No, right!" Terry cried, but it was too late and the Doctor yelled as he was smacked across the chest and sent flying back.

Amy screamed, while Terry ran to the Doctor, kneeling down beside him worriedly as she checked: "Are you okay?"

"Ugh." He groaned, and Vincent apologized as he and Amy also joined the Doctor's side. "Right, sorry: your right, my left."

"Doctor?" Terry asked worriedly, and he grunted: "Fine, but not fine. This is no good at all. Run like crazy and regroup."

"In here!" Amy called as she ran up and wrenched open the closest doors nearby. The others quickly followed, running after Amy into the crypt, where they quickly began slamming the door shut behind them – only for it to catch as the Krafayis jammed its foot in the doorway to prevent them from shutting it.

Luckily, Vincent was closest and he reacted swiftly, stomping down on the Krafayis's foot. It screeched as it withdrew its foot, and they quickly slammed the door shut.

"We're safe for now." Terry gasped, and the Doctor said breathlessly: "Right. Okay. Here's the plan. Amy, Rory-"

"Who?" Amy asked, bewildered, and the Doctor corrected quickly: "Sorry, er, um, Vincent."

Terry shook her head silently at him, while Amy interrupted impatiently: "What is the plan?"

"I don't know, actually." The Doctor admitted as he waved his sonic about. "My only definite plan is that in future I'm definitely just using this screwdriver for screwing in screws."

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