Doomsday 3

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"The Ark's opened!" Mickey cried as he looked out of the window to see Daleks starting to shoot out of the small but bigger on the inside Genesis Ark.

"Doctor!" Terry urged, and he nodded.

"Right, working on it!" He called, and Rose demanded: "Doctor, Terry, please, what are you doing?"

"First, aren't you going to ask what is it with the glasses?" He asked as he whipped out his 3D glasses again.

"What is it with the glasses?" Rose asked, a little impatiently but realizing there was something in the Doctor's seemingly random question.

The Doctor grinned as he answered: "I can see, that's what. Because we've got two separate worlds, but in between the two separate worlds, we've got the Void. That's where the Daleks were hiding. And the Cybermen travelled through the Void to get here. And you lot, one world to another, via the Void. Oh, I like that."

He suddenly broke off as he mused: "Via the Void."

"Doctor." Terry reminded him, and he quickly held out the glasses to Rose.

"Look." He instructed, and she placed it on her nose as the Doctor gestured to himself. "I've been through it. Do you see?"

Rose's eyes widened as she saw what appeared to be speckles all around the Doctor.

"Reboot in three minutes." The computer announced, and Terry leaned back in grim satisfaction.

"What is it?" Rose asked, and the Doctor explained: "Void stuff."

"Like er, background radiation?" Rose asked, and Terry nodded.

"Like that." She agreed, and Rose giggled as she said: "You're covered in it too."

"All of us are." Terry explained, nodding for Rose to look at everyone else. "Well, almost everyone."

She gestured to Jackie, as the Doctor explained: "The only one who hasn't been through the Void. First time she's looked normal all in her life."

"Oi." Jackie snapped, but the Doctor continued over her: "But the Daleks lived inside the Void. They're bristling with it. Cybermen, all of them. I just open the Void and reverse. The Void stuff gets sucked back inside."

"Pulling them all in!" Rose cheered in realization, and the Doctor agreed: "Pulling them all in!"

"Sorry, what's the Void?" Mickey chimed in, and Terry explained as she handed her medallion to Mickey: "The dead space."

"Some people call it Hell." The Doctor added, and Mickey grinned.

"So you're sending the Daleks and Cybermen to Hell." He said with a chortle as he placed his medallion over his neck, before nodding at Jake. "Man, I told you they were good."

"But," Rose protested as she realized something, "it's like you said. We've all got Void stuff. Me too, because we went to that parallel world. We're all contaminated. We'll get pulled in."

Terry tensed, while the Doctor's face turned grim as he faced Rose once more.

"That's why you've got to go." He told her firmly, as the computer announced behind them: "Reboot in two minutes."

Rose stared at the Doctor in disbelief as he told her sternly: "Back to Pete's world. Hey, we should call it that. Pete's World."

"Doctor." Rose began protesting, but the Doctor answered: "I'm opening the Void, but only on this side. You'll be safe on that side."

"And then you close it, for good?" Pete checked, and Terry explained: "The breach itself is covered in Void matter - in the end, it'll close itself."

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