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Terry landed with a thud and a groan.

Great, she thought as she rubbed her eyes sleepily; she'd managed to jump while in bed, and now not only was she in her jammies, she was also barely awake. Good thing her hair was short and so her bedhead wasn't quite as obvious.


"Doctor." Terry greeted as she turned to meet the Time Lord after hearing his very familiar call.

"Excellent timing!" Ten beamed, grabbing her around the waist and pulling her with him. "Let's go on a date."

Terry chuckled at him, shaking her head at him as she said: "Dressed like this?"

"You look lovely." The Doctor answered instantly, and Terry rolled her eyes.

"You're lying. At least give me a hair comb; I know you carry one in your pocket." Terry said, and the Doctor laughed as he pulled it out.

"Are you sure you don't want something to wear as well?" He asked as Terry happily took the comb and began to get her unruly hair back into order.

Terry paused, turning puzzled brown eyes on the Doctor as she asked: "Do you mean to say, you're carrying my clothes in your pocket?"

"Well, one can never be too careful." The Doctor answered with a shrug as he reached into his pocket again. "Hm, let's see... ah, here it is!"

He grinned triumphantly as he dug out an A-line dress with attached belt, holding it out proudly to Terry. She had to laugh as she took the outfit, saying: "I can't believe you had this kind of foresight – but thank you!"

"Hurry up and change." The Doctor ordered as he steered them towards a ladies room nearby. "And we can go on a date. Oh, oops, forgot, shoes!"

He produced one of her favourite heeled boots, as he added cheekily: "I'm afraid I don't have your leather jacket, since you refuse to take it off."

Terry just laughed at him, finding it too amusing that he even had her shoes to answer as she walked into the ladies room to change.


"So," Terry began as the Doctor led her – now fully dressed – across the space station, "where is this sudden enthusiasm for a date coming from?"

"Oi! I take you on dates." He protested, before grinning at her. "This shuttle is going to take us to one of the most beautiful place in the universe."

"Oh? Where?" Terry asked curiously, when they were interrupted as an intercom announced: "Space shuttle for Waterfall Palace, now boarding."

Terry's blood ran cold, and her smile fell instantly off her face as the Doctor pulled her towards the boarding ramp.

"Doctor," Terry began as the terror began to creep into her chest, "is this space station leaving the Midnight planet resort?"

"Oh, don't say you don't want to go." The Doctor complained. "Donna's already turned me down. What's wrong with a waterfall made of sapphires? And a crystal ravine!"

"Nothing, it's just..." Terry began hesitantly, but the Doctor wheedled: "Oh, please, angel? Come on, it's been such an age since we went on a date, just the two of us."

"Not much of a date." Terry muttered under her breath so he couldn't hear as the Doctor flashed his psychic paper at the hostess so that they could board.

"Please?" The Doctor continued to whine as he tugged her with him aboard, and Terry caved as she sighed: "We're already on, aren't we?"

"Not the enthusiastic response I was hoping for, but, good enough." The Doctor shrugged as he led them down the aisle of seats inside the small and as yet mostly empty shuttle.

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