Daleks in Manhattan 3

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"Who?" Tallulah asked, glancing at the Doctor – was 'Terry' a nickname for his friend, the sweet girl Martha? It didn't sound like it; but then, who could he possibly mean?

The Doctor didn't hear her as he stormed over to the pigman - who was huddling against a pillar, trying to hide itself - and he thundered: "What have you done with her?! If you hurt her-!"

"I didn't take her!" The pigman cried distinctly, and the Doctor paused.

His eyes narrowed as he examined this pigman, finally noticing the way he was huddled as though in fear – as though in shame.

"Can you remember your name?" The Doctor asked more quietly, calmer, but the pigman answered, clearly once more: "Don't look at me."

"Do you know where Martha is?" Tallulah asked hopefully as she came tentatively closer, but the pigman called in alarm: "Stay back! Don't look at me."

Tallulah paused, dithering uncertainly a few steps away, while the Doctor asked quietly: "What happened to you?"

"They made me a monster." The pigman answered miserably, and the Doctor's brows furrowed as he demanded: "Who did?"

"The masters." The pigman replied, spitting the word like it was bitter in his mouth.

"The Daleks." The Doctor muttered, his own voice filled with disgust as he spat the name, before he focused on the pigman once more. "Why?"

The pigman shrugged as he answered grimly: "They needed slaves. They needed slaves to steal more people so they created us. Part animal, part human."

The pigman glanced at the Doctor as he admitted: "I escaped before they got my mind, but... it was still too late."

The Doctor's face was sympathetic now, filled with pity for this man, but he remained focused on his priorities as he asked softly: "Do you know what happened to Terry and Martha?"

The pigman shook his head as he said: "I don't know which one you're talking about, but... the woman who was upstairs - they took her. It's my fault; she was following me."

The Doctor's face became grim, while Tallulah perked up and she asked: "Were you in the theatre?"

"I never-" The pigman began to deny, before he sighed.

"Yes." He admitted in defeat, and Tallulah demanded: Why? Why were you there?"

The Doctor looked between them with a frown as the pigman admitted quietly: "I never wanted you to see me like this."

"Why me?" Tallulah demanded, frowning in confusion as she came a little closer, though a part of her told her she knew. "What I got to do with this? Were you following me? Is that why you were there?"

The pigman slowly turned around, moving away from the pillar he'd been hiding against so that Tallulah could finally see him as he answered softly: "Yes."

Tallulah's eyes were wide and she was suddenly blinking back tears as she asked shakily: "Who are you?"

"I was lonely." The pigman said evasively, but Tallulah started to walk closer as she repeated: "Who are you?"

"I needed to see you." The pigman said, his voice raw with emotions, and Tallulah repeated heartbreakingly: "Who are you?"

"I'm sorry." The pigman began, trying to turn away as she got too close, but Tallulah grabbed his arm as she pleaded: "No, wait."

The pigman hesitated, looking back at her as Tallulah whispered: "Let me look at you."

She tugged him gently into an area where there was moonlight, so that she could see his face clearly and confirm what her heart was telling her was true.

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