Dinosaurs on a Spaceship

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Terry blinked as she landed, finding herself face-to-chest with a strange man. She peered up as the man jumped back, startled, and then blinked again as she recognized him.

"Lestrad- wait, no, wrong show." She muttered hastily, while the man yelped: "What the hell?"

"Ah, angel!" The Doctor called happily as he dashed around the Tardis to grab her, spinning her in his arms ecstatically as he said cheerfully: "Excellent timing! We are about to have an exciting adventure."

"I can see that." Terry commented as she looked around the Tardis and took in all the new faces, raising a brow when her eyes landed on the Ponds. Well, Ponds and Williams.

"And, who is this?" Queen Nefertiti – as in the real Queen of Egypt herself – asked.

"Ah, allow me to introduce you." The Doctor announced as he wrapped an arm around Terry's waist. "Neffy, Riddell, meet Terry Storm, my- when is this for you?"

He suddenly turned to Terry, breaking off mid-introduction, and Terry stared at him.

"I've just come from meeting Sarah Jane." Terry answered, puzzled, and she pointed out: "Doctor, introductions?"

"Have you done Christmas yet? With the Sycorax?" The Doctor questioned, and Terry answered, more bewildered than ever: "No. And introductions? Doctor?"

She looked at him, puzzled, as a look crossed the Doctor's face, almost like... frustration. But he quickly schooled his features back to his normal, cheery expression as he finished introducing: "Right, so, Neffy, Riddell, as I was saying this is Terry, my angel. Terry, Neffy and Riddell."

"Yeah, but where'd she come from?" Riddell demanded, but Terry replied airily: "Oh, don't worry about it. I'm friends with the Doctor, what do you expect?"

Riddell made a face but conceded while Nefertiti eyed them curiously, as the Doctor turned back to the console and landed them.

"Okay, so now, everybody grab a torch." He called as he himself grabbed one and walked out the Tardis without looking at the Ponds.

Terry sighed as she pointed to the box of torches the Doctor had left on the console, saying: "Riddell, can you help Queen Nefertiti with hers? Thank you."

She then turned to her friends and the plus one, greeting warmly: "Amy, Rory."

"Angel." Amy greeted, while Rory said in slightly exasperated tone: "Terry, look this-"

"Yeah, I know. Sorry, Brian." She apologized to Rory's dad who was still sitting on his ladder with a light bulb in his hand from where he'd been going to change it when he'd accidentally gotten caught up in the Tardis with Amy and Rory. "For the Doctor, I mean. I didn't have anything to do with this."

Brian Williams stared at her, his mouth actually falling open, as he wondered where he was, who these people were, and how she knew his name. Rory sighed and he explained: "She's, er... Long story."

"And it had better wait I'm afraid." Terry interjected. "The Doctor is not going to be happy if we don't come out soon."

"Angel! Ponds!" The Doctor shouted from outside, as if to prove her point.

She rolled her eyes, before she grabbed her torch and walked out of the Tardis just as something shattered behind her.

'There went the light bulb.' Terry mused as she stepped outside to see Nefertiti and Riddell looking about the dark, open area with curious eyes while the Doctor stood before a cobweb in the corner of the room, murmuring as Amy and Rory came out behind Terry: "Spiders. Don't normally get spiders in space."

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