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this was a rush chapter, sorry y'all🤕.

Talia's POV

My heart damn near beat out my chest as I crept towards the door of Chris Brown's dance studio. I was auditioning to be his back-up dancer and I was nervous as hell.

I walked in and seen a large group of girls, stretching and practicing dancr moves.

"Hello." an older light skinned woman smiled at me.

"Hi, I'm here to audition for dance position number one."

"Name and age?" she grabbed a clipboard.

"Talia Titan, 21." I said. She nodded and checked my name.

"Thank you, Chris should be here shortly so you can just practice for now."

I took my place in the corner and started stretching. I was shaking from being nervous as I did, which made me hella frustrated.

"Try putting one arm behind your back, that should help stop the shaking." a girl beside me whispered.

"Thank you." I smiled at her and did as she said. I stopped shaking and started to relax.

About 10 minutes later the same woman walked to the front of the room and smiled at all of us. "Good morning ladies. First let me thank all of you for coming." she said, we all clapped.

"Chris will be here shortly so we will start dividing into groups. Number 1's in the front to the left, 2's in the front right, 3's in the back to the left and 4's to the right." she said, we did as said.

"We'll go backwards, so 4's are up first." she pointed to a curtain.

As soon as they lined up, Chris walked in the room. He smiled at everybody and spoke. "Wassup everybody."

"Wassup." we said in unison.

My heart almost burst as he made eye contact with me and smiled. They went behind the curtain and music played. They were the smallest group, number 1's were the largest so I knew I needed to show out if I wanted the position.

I spent my time stretching, and practicing our routine.

Time whined down and it was time for my group to go. I got scared cuz I was the last person to go, and the girl who gave me advice broke down crying before she could perform.

Chris hugged her and wiped her face. "Go get yourself together, then we can try it." he said. She grabbed her stuff and left.

"You ready?" he asked me. I nodded and walked up to him.

They played the music and I could tell he was surprised by what I was doing. I dropped down then grinded on him. He smirked and grabbed my wrist, pulling me close to his chest. He twirled me around before we dropped to the ground, he stroked against me then lifted me into the air. I ended the routine by hitting a split in front of him.

"You did good." he said smirking at me.

"Thank you." I smiled shyly.

He licked his lips then looked me up and down, giving me a nasty look.

He licked his lips then looked me up and down, giving me a nasty look

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"What?" I asked blushing.

He pulled me close once more then let me go. "See you on tour." he said as I grabbed my bags. I smiled at him before walking from behind the curtain.

They talked for a few minutes then the woman walked in with her clipboard. "We have our finalists." she said smiling. "4th position, Zayna Smith." She jumped up and down making us all laugh.

"3rd position, Makiye Clay." She said, Makiye broke down crying tears of joy.

"2nd position, Raven Anderson." she said, she jumped up and did the woah which made us laugh.

"Drum role please." she said. We all beat on the ground and she smiled wide. "Talia Titan." she said.

My heart dropped and everyone started clapping. Chris walked from behind the curtain and motioned for me to come up.

I walked up to him and he hugged me. He held onto my hand and when I looked down, he put a slip of paper in my palm.

"Text me." he winked at me then walked away.

Chris Brown Imagines (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now