Someone Like You Pt. 4

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Chris POV

I woke up and Nyla was laying on top of me on her phone butt ass naked. She noticed me looking at her and smiled "Good morning babe."

"Morning." I mumble back in a sleepy voice.

She kiss me on the chin, "The kids still sleep... you think we got time for a quicky?"

I smile as she straddle me and pull her tank top off. She smirk as I start rubbing her titties. I start to lick and suck her nipples, and she start moaning. I was finna slide my hand in her panties until my bedroom door busted open.

"I want breakfast!" Nyrelll yelled loud as hell. Nyla jumped off me and covered her chest with the covers.

"Boy take yo ass back in that room and don't come out till I tell you to." I said.

"But I'm hungry. Nyla can cook." he came and jumped on the bed. I sighed and rubbed my face. It's only been 2 days and this boy finna make me lose my mind.

"It's okay babe, we can wait." Ny rubbed my back.

I sigh again. "Whatever bruh."

"Go back in the room with Destiny till I come get you." she say to him. He jump off the bed and run out.

I got up and walked up to the mirror. She walk up behind me and put her arms around my waist. "We can just wait until they take a nap." she stood on my tip toes and kissed my neck.

"What you gon do today."

"I'ma take Nyrell shopping for school clothes, then when we get back I'ma start working on finding hair vendors." she hug me.

I kiss her on the forehead. "Aight well I guess that mean I'ma keep Destiny, I'ma start buying stuff for her bedrooms."

"They not sharing a room?" she let me go, and sat on the bed.

"Destiny don't wanna deal with Nyrell, she sick of his shit."

She laugh. "I'll cook while y'all get ready."

I brushed my teeth and washed my face, then walked in the guest bed where the kids slept at. Destiny was laying on the bed with her hand in her mouth.

"Good morning pooh." I picked her up and kissed her on the cheek.

I grabbed some body wash, lotion, a pamper and some clothes for her. I took her to my bathroom and washed her up in the sink. I dried her off, put her in her pamper and put some lotion on her. After she was dressed I laid her on my bed while I showered.

I showered and put on a jersey, blue jeans, timbs with a black hoodie and snapback. By the time I was ready she started whining so I knew she was ready to eat.

I made her a bottle then went downstairs. Nyrell was at the kitchen table eating some waffles, sausage and eggs.

I sat the table and Ny brought me a plate and a cup of orange juice. "Thank you." I kissed her on the cheek.

"You welcome." she sat next to me and we all ate.

After we was done I played with the baby while they got ready. She walked downstairs in a black long sleeve shirt, white jeans and black Uggs.

I kissed her. "You look good babe."

"Thank you." she smile and put on her hoodie.

I handed her the keys to my BMW, "You got enough money."

"Yeah I'm good." she say, putting Nyrell in his jacket.

I put Destiny in her car seat and wrapped her in a blanket. I walked outside and strapped her in the car, then we left.


I walked in the house and sat Destiny on the couch. I carried in all the shit I bought and sighed. I spent damn near $1,000 on everything she needed. I bought a crib, changing table, swing, toys, clothes, diapers, wipes, bottles, formula, and blankets.

I was almost done putting everything together when Ny walked in. "Aww it's so pretty." she smiled at me.

"Just gotta finish the changing table and she good." I stood up. "You got all Nyrell's stuff."

"Yep." she hugged me. "You ready to eat dinner."

"C'mon." I smacked her on the ass and she laughed.

I was sitting at the kitchen table, listening to beats and writing lyrics while she cooked. I was almost done wit a song when out of no where I hear a crash and Destiny start screaming loud as hell.

I ran around the corner and looked in the living room, Nyrell was standing on the couch and Destiny was laying in the middle of the broken glass coffee table.

"What the FUCK is wrong with you lil boy?!" Nyla yelled.

"She pinched me so I pushed her ugly ass!" Nyrell yelled back.

"Why the fuck would you do that?!" I yell at him, heated.

"Shut up talking to me bitch!" he spit on me.

Nyla was finna kill him but I stopped her. "Get the baby." I say, she picked her up and carried her to the bathroom.

I took my belt off and snatched Nyrell to the kitchen. "Don't touch me hoe ass nigga." he yelled.

I grabbed his arm and started tearing his ass up. I kept beating him until he was screaming and his face was red. "You gon keep disrespecting me in my motherfuckin house?" I yelled.

"No." he whined.

"You gon keep doing stupid shit like you don't know better?"

"No." he covered his face.

I picked him up and sat him at the kitchen table. "Listen to me, you need to learn to respect me and your sisters. Not just when you at my house, but every where. Ny better not come tell me you did or said anything disrespectful or I'ma beat yo ass again. Understand me?"


"Now what you got to say?"

"I'm sorry Chris." he say.

I nodded. "Now go apologize."

He walked down the hall to the bathroom and patted Nyla on the leg. "What?" she looked down at him, still pissed.

"I'm sorry for disrespecting you." he said.

She sighed, then hugged him. "It's okay, you can't act out like that. Okay?"

"Okay." he nodded.

"Go watch TV."

While she cleaned the baby up I cleaned up all the glass. Once I was done I made Nyrell a plate then went to the bathroom.

"How baby girl doing." I ask.

"She okay, just scratched up." Ny handed me the baby.

Destiny's lip was busted and hers arms was scratched. She started pinching my cheek so I knew she was okay. I fed her half a bottle then rocked her to sleep.

We ate, took showers then laid down to go to sleep. Ny was laying on my chest while I gave her a booty rub. "I'm sorry about earlier."

I kissed her forehead. "It's okay."

"Good night." she smile at me.

"Good night." I say, then fall asleep.

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